LIHKG [罪大滔天] Sony Xperia 檢討區 (96) - 1 III 善用技巧可慳電 | 白卡與引戰狗勿入
陳安立(檢討中) 2021-8-2 14:13:24 大舖都唔會跌㗎啦


國際牌黑絲 2021-8-2 14:14:01 估計大鋪256到時都有trade in即減$500同自劈$300

羊牯 2021-8-2 14:14:49
Bergkamp 2021-8-2 14:20:01 此回覆已被刪除
拾壹分平庸 2021-8-2 14:34:12 其實都係金屬框+玻璃背
陳安立(檢討中) 2021-8-2 14:34:48 屌百老匯冇撚咗個 trade in 優惠
拾壹分平庸 2021-8-2 14:35:36 又係咁
陳安立(檢討中) 2021-8-2 14:36:51 明明佢之前個 promotion 寫去到九月尾先完
拾壹分平庸 2021-8-2 14:37:13 係咪分店搞錯咗呀
陳安立(檢討中) 2021-8-2 14:39:42 定係唔同分店唔同 policy
愛你的西面女神BB 2021-8-2 14:43:03 FML, I just dropped my 1 iii on my second day of the phone, and the paint is already chipped.


愛你的西面女神BB 2021-8-2 14:44:29 the frame paint chips really easily, i dropped mine already and you can see the bare metal. I dropped it from a very low height as well..... :(
拾壹分平庸 2021-8-2 14:46:49 發覺HKEPC同香討啲料都係呢到流出去
有棍絲打去舉重 2021-8-2 14:47:36 此回覆已被刪除
拾壹分平庸 2021-8-2 14:48:50 why engli薯呀
有棍絲打去舉重 2021-8-2 14:49:46 此回覆已被刪除
陳安立(檢討中) 2021-8-2 14:51:15 cls company
愛你的西面女神BB 2021-8-2 14:52:57 Too upset right now over this....
However this is a phone that's best used with out a case, it feels good in the hand. A case will add too much bulk....
拾壹分平庸 2021-8-2 14:53:49 18W火牛,30分鐘51%→86%
拾壹分平庸 2021-8-2 14:54:20 you no kiss the phone, then easy gg
very reasonable ar
國際牌黑絲 2021-8-2 14:55:39 11 fun normal bro you so handsome


陳安立(檢討中) 2021-8-2 14:56:08 kiss the phone

goodest english
羊牯 2021-8-2 15:00:04 拎左1仔個火牛番公司义電用
會唔會影響到1 III粒電?
有棍絲打去舉重 2021-8-2 15:00:31 此回覆已被刪除
羅洛 2021-8-2 15:01:58 應該係條肥閪share過去 佢走幾個場