Sabrinapingping 2021-7-28 15:23:01 你?


Sabrinapingping 2021-7-28 15:23:11
熊餅 2021-7-28 15:23:25 唔好咁仆街啦, 更狗好慘架喇
Jadon_Sancho 2021-7-28 15:23:49 追乜鳩
Sabrinapingping 2021-7-28 15:24:03 Not me la. I am not employed
死獌狗 2021-7-28 15:24:36 The speed of that deal took many, even some of those involved, by surprise. It had only been a few days earlier that Matt Judge had been telling some of United’s other centre-back options that the Varane transfer was not looking likely.

Instead, a deal was struck for £34 million plus add-ons for four years, with the option of a further year. The payments will be spread out and Real Madrid will pay the solidarity payment for the player crossing jurisdictions of 5 per cent of the fee.

Matt Judge
陸柒捌玖 2021-7-28 15:25:42 你想佢哋識啲咩先
夜子若+ 2021-7-28 15:26:06 未搵到工咩
糖兄的餐單 2021-7-28 15:27:27 佢難啲喇...
Jadon_Sancho 2021-7-28 15:27:56 有性病點搵工啊
Sabrinapingping 2021-7-28 15:28:34 都唔想翻 未有呢個需要


胡力威(掙扎中) 2021-7-28 15:28:35 佢連庇護工場都唔收
夜子若+ 2021-7-28 15:29:00 性病HR睇到架咩
夜子若+ 2021-7-28 15:29:19 有家底
Sabrinapingping 2021-7-28 15:30:06
糖兄的餐單 2021-7-28 15:30:10 弱智多數靠人養...
無止境的冗 2021-7-28 15:30:26 cctoy 班垃圾又玩誅心論
而家隊友同意棄賽 比蓓留體力都唔得?
陸柒捌玖 2021-7-28 15:30:28 佢又唔係見工做牛郞,應該見工時唔使報下嗎
拉什福德 2021-7-28 15:30:44
Jadon_Sancho 2021-7-28 15:31:35 攞綜援
Sabrinapingping 2021-7-28 15:31:44 佢哋以為個個好撚勁 可以個個獎牌都爭到


Sabrinapingping 2021-7-28 15:31:58 On9
碌梳世一 2021-7-28 15:32:15 好彩依家係戴住口罩番工 唔係老細一定問我仲咩傻笑

陸柒捌玖 2021-7-28 15:32:42 策略既野佢哋識條鐵咩
Ga大勢 2021-7-28 15:34:00