【Welcome 賓白 medicine neves abraham】阿仙奴21-22球迷吹水區 MDCLXXXII
入球機器韋洛克 2021-7-24 20:44:48


基本法二十二條 2021-7-24 21:12:35 https://twitter.com/HarrySymeou/status/1418920889618518026?s=20
黑美斯比比 2021-7-24 21:13:27 此回覆已被刪除
倫敦古天樂 2021-7-24 21:18:33 最已陣
巴黎倫敦紐約 2021-7-24 21:20:27 此回覆已被刪除
梧桐樹 2021-7-24 21:40:15 掂啦炒咁多粒
入球機器韋洛克 2021-7-24 21:40:45 6667入波冇人吹奏?
入球機器韋洛克 2021-7-24 21:40:57 有冇出老公狗
Emile_Smith_Rowe 2021-7-24 21:41:35 買乜前鋒
2021-7-24 21:43:42 柏金
基本法二十二條 2021-7-24 22:04:37 https://twitter.com/Arsenal/status/1418933993194541067?s=20


Azeez_細爆二世 2021-7-24 22:04:52 場波官網有得睇返
A^I 2021-7-24 22:14:23 見到ig話有得睇仲想入黎問4pm uk係香港11定12點,點知原來已經踢左
法覺賭神 2021-7-24 22:17:40 有片比人研究打法咪仆街
EmileSmithRowe 2021-7-24 22:17:50 贏波先敢重播俾人睇
希古恩BB🖕🏻 2021-7-24 22:20:48 buy lingard la
基本法二十二條 2021-7-24 22:24:42 https://twitter.com/kayakaynak97/status/1418939751973933064?s=20
基本法二十二條 2021-7-24 22:25:14 https://twitter.com/kayakaynak97/status/1418940206208720902?s=20
廣島野人 2021-7-24 22:33:22 用chambers好過啦
W.Saliba 2021-7-24 22:37:19 數據撚
衝動累事 2021-7-24 22:38:17 神丹


基本法二十二條 2021-7-24 22:40:40 https://twitter.com/balogun/status/1418943704086327300?s=20
蔚藍海角 2021-7-24 22:46:56 https://twitter.com/balogun/status/1418943704086327300
基本法二十二條 2021-7-24 22:48:19 according to
Arsenal is preparing a third offer in order to contract with Aaron Ramsdale.. Arsenal depends on the additions to its offers, as it is believed that the last offer is 18 million pounds + 7 million additions (25 million pounds).

Sky Sports information confirms that Arsenal did not submit an official offer worth 30 million pounds.
巴黎倫敦紐約 2021-7-24 22:50:04 此回覆已被刪除