【Welcome 賓白 medicine neves abraham】阿仙奴21-22球迷吹水區 MDCLXXXII
韋利安愛助攻 2021-7-23 13:53:32


A_Milik 2021-7-23 13:55:12 僅僅好過廢達
李知恩雨之聲 2021-7-23 14:24:19 上年呢到吹到好撚勁
My肝唔賣腎 2021-7-23 14:30:39 達差極都有冠
菠蘿包(戒角細) 2021-7-23 14:30:45 此回覆已被刪除
拿樸迪閻奕格 2021-7-23 14:33:15 佢重度
艾基 2021-7-23 14:35:54 係達狗唔識用
TZ40 2021-7-23 14:39:29 此回覆已被刪除
THOMAS_PARTEY 2021-7-23 14:39:56 呢位師兄講野中肯

THOMAS_PARTEY 2021-7-23 14:40:37 當年
汐< 2021-7-23 14:54:30 巴塞隆拿總監Mateu Alemany向傳媒確認,球會願意讓彭查歷今夏離隊,轉投有更多上陣機會的球隊。彭查歷(Miralem Pjanic)去夏才以6000萬歐元的身價加盟巴塞隆拿,惟不獲教練朗奴高文重用,外界有指柯歷尼回歸祖雲達斯後,有意與這名31歲波斯尼亞舊將故劍重逢,將向巴塞提出外借彭查歷。

阿9 50步


NunoTavares20 2021-7-23 14:58:34 個5000蚊可唔可以買波衫
收嗲OK? 2021-7-23 14:59:20 買廢安
NunoTavares20 2021-7-23 15:00:29 佢今季5g5a以上抽一位手足送波衫
TZ40 2021-7-23 15:02:51 此回覆已被刪除
Podolski(迷Ozil) 2021-7-23 15:08:28 炸脾,薯條,紅豆冰
韋利安愛助攻 2021-7-23 15:08:50 10 g/a啦 安哥唯愛助攻
蔚藍海角 2021-7-23 15:09:50 Fabrizio Romano On Madders:

“It will be really difficult to sign him this summer. It’s true that Arsenal have a strong interest in the player, it’s true that they consider him perfect for their playstyle, so they consider him as a potentially fantastic signing,...but at the moment it’s complicated with Leicester, so if the conditions change, maybe they can try, but at the moment, it’s not an advanced negotiation.”
咩打夢 2021-7-23 15:15:14 俾得10號Rowe 都預咗無Maddison
拿卡死水貨(迷埃) 2021-7-23 15:15:17 呢件明刀明槍洗黑錢
基本法二十二條 2021-7-23 15:42:05 https://twitter.com/GurjitAFC/status/1418463451614261256?s=19


基本法二十二條 2021-7-23 15:42:15 https://twitter.com/David_Ornstein/status/1418468464566603776?s=19
VamosRAFA 2021-7-23 15:42:28 【Welcome 賓白 medicine neves abraham】
汐< 2021-7-23 15:45:01 講到尾阿仙奴係要人破密集
但冇AMC 的話隻MC一定要攻守兼備+分到波
韋利安愛助攻 2021-7-23 15:54:20 其實要個中鋒頂得tap in得就夠 啱達用