[終於到我哋一字排開!] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (392)
水至清則無魚 2021-7-24 00:06:09 你懷念華蛇好能過啦


白河千尋 2021-7-24 00:11:12 做咩突然中二病發作
天才小釣手 2021-7-24 00:16:08 頭兩張同一個姿勢
唔同地方 代表啲乜
白河千尋 2021-7-24 00:17:26 代表我有車有樓 你冇
Deerhunter😎 2021-7-24 00:18:08 好明顯佢先係含華蛇嗰個
超人力迦 2021-7-24 00:22:41 Neither the first team, nor Barça B nor any youth team. Ilaix Moriba will not play until he renews his contract. [Mundo Deportivo]

醉右(安信快遞) 2021-7-24 00:33:36
超人力迦 2021-7-24 00:46:16 好似話降撚咗佢去U-19
王菲(孤寂) 2021-7-24 01:01:02 此回覆已被刪除
Foden狗 2021-7-24 01:05:08 此回覆已被刪除
Arthur(梅毒) 2021-7-24 01:23:10 美隊cam/cf
Depay st


Arthur(梅毒) 2021-7-24 01:25:29 Dejong 影
Pedri 小白
我 xavi

白河千尋 2021-7-24 01:38:41 對果班唔減糧一線隊都要咁做
白河千尋 2021-7-24 01:39:36 差一個最尾果腳
又推甩兩件 2021-7-24 02:02:39 美斯cam唔係唔得 係要搭兩個高work rate既中場
繁花似咁 2021-7-24 03:38:49 佢傷病斷唔到尾 出勤唔會高
完美犯罪 2021-7-24 03:55:38 arthur走左之後好似沉沉地

假設後防一樣 出呢3件應該比人瘋狂中出
股壇新手 2021-7-24 05:41:11 🗣[ @gerardromero🥇] | Umtiti and Pjanic will surely leave Barcelona this summer. It will be sooner or later but it will happen 100%.
股壇新手 2021-7-24 05:45:52 Barcelona's drive to reduce their wage bill has hit a significant obstacle as they struggle to make room to register their new signings and Lionel Messi's new contract, which could result in Messi being unable to play until at least January

The club have also failed to agree to terms on a pay cut with long-serving players Sergio Busquets, Jordi Alba and Sergi Roberto

Mateu Alemany has spoken with the trio's agents, but none have shown an appetite to cut their earnings to help the club yet; Busquets earns around €16 million a year at the club, while Alba is on €13m and Roberto €10.5m
白虎虎源太 2021-7-24 06:01:21 快啲賣走佢啦
on9689 2021-7-24 07:26:55 係umtiti dembele moriba ig 留nigga會點


skschrys 2021-7-24 09:10:15 Ilaix wants to stay at Barça and do the preseason but the versions of the club and the player's agents contradict each other without reaching an understanding. Barça claims that his agents salary request are unaffordable with the parameters of the pandemic [sport]

Barça waits for Ilaix's agents to sit down in the negotiations for the renewal of the midfielder, within the framework of economic possibilities contemplated by the club. His agents are waiting to receive the new offer from the club [sport]
AndreGomes 2021-7-24 11:24:13 走啦屌,憑咩嗌高價
波音蝠 2021-7-24 11:38:56 識玩一定係降去U-19女子隊跟操
波音蝠 2021-7-24 11:40:22 性病仔其實都係打三場抖十場嘅料
