[終於到我哋一字排開!] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (392)
Pedri_Gonzalez 2021-7-28 15:05:20


錦瑟五十弦 2021-7-28 16:00:23 丹係冇得止蝕
預左total lost

skschrys 2021-7-28 16:09:01 丹今次份約肯減人工嘅就當 balance 算啦
今季雖然佢都係海鮮波,但有啲重要賽事佢都有入球 eg. against 老西

skschrys 2021-7-28 16:09:48
skschrys 2021-7-28 16:10:30 清到依家嗰堆先再諗啦
skschrys 2021-7-28 16:11:20 Barça is a money-making machine with Messi. Messi will stay at Barça 100% but it's possible that he won't start the LaLiga season (via
skschrys 2021-7-28 16:12:16 Koeman congratulated Laporta on Demir's arrival at the club. The player has surprised a lot. He will participate in the first team. Gavi continues to make very good progression and will also appear with the first team (via
April_O_Neal 2021-7-28 16:17:42 Romero應該offered太貴喇, 邊有錢
白河千尋 2021-7-28 16:34:40 所以話唔好續止蝕
白河千尋 2021-7-28 16:36:18 咁撚快一線 睇黎puig 食得屎
白河千尋 2021-7-28 17:36:06 屌你老母 馬琴原來仲踢緊奧運


不真只立 2021-7-28 17:37:08
超人力迦 2021-7-28 17:40:39 去羅馬可能已經踢起咗
超人力迦 2021-7-28 17:41:04 Koeman sees Gavi ahead of Puig and is delighted with him. [Gerard Romero / RAC1]

白河千尋 2021-7-28 17:43:01 如果當日唔係搶佢返黎又或者係賣傻丹唔係賣佢
天才小釣手 2021-7-28 17:45:41 24歲 適齡
土木so19 2021-7-28 17:47:01 Gavi 同Balde 係friendly真係幾sharp

今季Puig 太大競爭啦 ,不如loan啦
白河千尋 2021-7-28 17:49:13 係岩 但24好少仲會踢奧運
白河千尋 2021-7-28 17:50:09 借係好事 巴塞中場真係冇位踢
超人力迦 2021-7-28 17:50:50 Moriba could either travel to Germany with the first team today or join them few days later. All parties involved want to find an agreement for the renewal of his contract soon. [Mundo Deportivo]
白河千尋 2021-7-28 17:54:13 而家成堆幻幻 真係唔洗話必要簽佢


Deerhunter😎 2021-7-28 17:55:46 咁又應該唔會
Deerhunter😎 2021-7-28 17:56:20 足球嘅野技不如人就係咁架啦
白河千尋 2021-7-28 17:56:56 佢起碼智商正常 點都比傻丹好掛
醉右(安信快遞) 2021-7-28 19:00:25 台狗