2021-7-23 12:53:20


bearkin 2021-7-24 01:29:15 想問吓有冇人知澳洲foundation Monash易唔易上到physio
2021-7-24 01:46:22
人生好撚攰 2021-7-24 03:12:58 唔易
bearkin 2021-7-24 03:16:09 知唔知每年大概有幾多人升到
霸氣十足大家姐 2021-7-24 11:42:51 有冇Ching知道curtin OT今年master first year會唔會成功搞到travel exemption
乘蒸氣盡化煙 2021-7-24 13:36:00
楊岳橋的Deadbody 2021-7-24 15:37:33 2032嘛 布里斯班搞奧運
Doublemay1234 2021-7-24 16:04:37 我都係pt入唔到澳洲 不如留個tg?
乘蒸氣盡化煙 2021-7-24 16:06:23

Doublemay1234 2021-7-24 16:20:11 我都係curtin pt 不如留個tg?


原地畢業 2021-7-24 16:46:12 https://t.me/houlunfai
楊岳橋的Deadbody 2021-7-24 17:10:45 我預計會係咁

Australia GOV: We are going to open the boarder in 2 weeks. If not, read this message again
楊岳橋的Deadbody 2021-7-24 17:33:18 澳洲有示威抗議政府抗疫限制過嚴 悉尼有人堵路


2021-07-24 17:27:23

Pink_Floyd 2021-7-24 18:55:02 咁搞法係咪 usyd master of physio 都唔會收人了
人生好撚攰 2021-7-24 18:55:21 應該都唔係好多 因為你最少都要average 攞到90先有機會 仲要睇你嗰年競爭大唔大
workload好大 難唔難就見仁見智啦
Islander 2021-7-24 21:57:10 劇本應該係咁

PM: We will open the boarder soon when it is safe to do so.
3個月後:We will open the boarder when the majority of Australian is vaccinated.
3個月後:We will open the boarder when the 80% of Australian is vaccinated.
3個月後:We will open the boarder when the 80% of Australian is fully vaccinated
3個月後:Vaccination alone is no guarantee that you can open up according to our health expert’s advice.
唔好啦又係我 2021-7-24 22:54:34
2021-7-25 01:25:15
bearkin 2021-7-25 01:38:04 係咪啫係正常努力溫書讀書都會入得番
唔該絲打解答 幾迷茫
PaNDorA 2021-7-25 03:52:19


2021-7-25 04:28:15 想問有冇non health related 科批過exemption, 例如 engine 要 placement 果啲
楊岳橋的Deadbody 2021-7-25 08:35:05
唔好啦又係我 2021-7-25 11:44:53
唔好啦又係我 2021-7-25 11:49:43