萬聖節! 2021-7-18 20:37:26 they only laugh but not teach


Sergino_Dest 2021-7-18 20:37:27 此回覆已被刪除
搭城巴番城大 2021-7-18 20:48:34 fuck you
少女唔鋤愛呀婆 2021-7-18 20:58:37 文法同usage 係一體兩面,不可偏廢

1. Through the work figuring out the parts of speech , Grammatical program would not be a problem
Do not ignore the sentence you don’t really understand what it really means .

It pains as fuck at the very beginning but it really works

2. To find accurate samples to imitate

any native speakers you can find on internet would be very good choices

3. Read speak write listen as much as you can

4. Ppl may tease you because they cant make it or they
Dont want you to make it .

embrace the ugly process ,
you may embarrass yourself because of grammar mistakes or inaccurate pronunciation .

Just don’t quit
萬聖節! 2021-7-18 21:09:43 how much
少女唔鋤愛呀婆 2021-7-18 21:21:32 I can ensure you that only memorising a bunch of vocab won’t help you to be fluent in English,

Read and listen from native speaker on News report , movie , tv drama .
Pay attention to how they speak in both sides of wording and real meaning of sentence in English

It takes a little bit time to reconstruct the whole thing
萬聖節! 2021-7-18 21:24:09 Brother so enthusiastic
Netflix寄生蟲 2021-7-18 21:32:02 bad?(壞/不好)
少女唔鋤愛呀婆 2021-7-18 21:33:04 Diu because me waste good pennis long time to learn these foreign sausage shit in wrong way and being teased by nay sayer around me .

It’s just a little little heart spaghetti
李斯特鐘 2021-7-18 21:34:11 I have been told the best way to learn English is to think in English
品涵可愛 2021-7-18 21:34:25 睇youtube netflix


李斯特鐘 2021-7-18 21:38:06 I wonder how you expand your vocabulary
.I have heard from one of the famous polyglots who share her method of learning new vocabulary called Goldlist Method. You may find details as per the link below. How do you think about that?

wrong阿蛆 2021-7-18 21:39:13 Learning English with Regina
英國特工 2021-7-18 21:40:06 Honestly speaking, you can practice English everyday and everywhere. The best and the most effective way to reach the fluency is describe what you experience you have everything at night. Also, if you think your grammer is excellent, there is nothing new you need to learn and what you need to do is to re~use them wiswly and correctly. As native English teachers indicated, learners downplayed on cause they think they find it "unnecessary" or "unessential" to practice the pronunication. So, keep practicing and you will fimd yourself some improvement on English. Keep your fire!
萬聖節! 2021-7-18 21:40:34 唔喺床
Netflix寄生蟲 2021-7-18 21:41:44 thx bro, marked
萬聖節! 2021-7-18 21:43:23 i will try try
thank you so much ar brother
少女唔鋤愛呀婆 2021-7-18 21:43:38 有only 係前面,意思只牛背單字搞唔掂,冇話唔背
北千手卓一夫 2021-7-18 23:51:33 點解要加”in”?
搭城巴番城大 2021-7-19 02:07:20 it is priceless
浴火重生小鳯凰 2021-7-19 02:09:19 此回覆已被刪除


Mike_Chan 2021-7-19 02:14:33 溝賓賓
難道沒跳閘太耐 2021-7-19 02:16:36 睇meme
nmslisation 2021-7-19 02:25:59 首先你英文係咩程度?老土講句語言一定係浸出嚟,唔會你突然之間做咗一啲嘢你英文就會好叻

最好睇啲長篇少少例如walking dead或者Game of Thrones
睇返半年左右一定有進步 你會由淨係啤住中文字幕
到慢慢聽到每一句對白一啲重點嘅字 到睇英文字幕都ok

聽完三四次之後可以打開歌詞聽吓佢講乜 唔明睇吓翻譯

Social Media follow一啲英文嘅page或者睇reddit練reading,睇吓外國YouTuber開cc(一啲自己比較有興趣嘅話題)

拿破崙波克夏 2021-7-19 02:42:45 此回覆已被刪除