[月經] iOS集中討論區 (182) MagSafe尿袋來了
一起到下世紀 2021-7-19 23:54:12 pro 9.7得2gb ram咋

third-generation 12.9-inch iPad Pro with the A12X chip has a higher average multi-core score of 4,809, likely due to statistical variation, but this still results in the M1 iPad Pro being 51% faster

the M1 iPad Pro currently has an average Metal score of 20,578, which is up to 71% faster than the previous-generation iPad Pro with the A12Z chip


你啊 2021-7-19 23:55:32 好奇聽日收到MagSafe battery 嘅話但又未有得升14.7可以點用?😂
呻吟待射 2021-7-20 00:03:43 一陣夜啲會有 14.7
呻吟待射 2021-7-20 00:04:34 唔係 silicon 嚟, 係滑面
你啊 2021-7-20 00:10:54 Ic 😮😮
-MUSE- 2021-7-20 00:40:50 想睇下個apple music bug 會唔會fix 左
關鍵時刻 2021-7-20 01:01:03 無喎
呻吟待射 2021-7-20 01:02:40 啱啱先 1:00 am 咁心急
CHOK人 2021-7-20 01:04:55 睇你拎嚟做咩

如果你買返嚟都係Netflix YouTube上下網

關鍵時刻 2021-7-20 01:07:25 有喎又
CHOK人 2021-7-20 01:08:34 diu RC要再up正式


呻吟待射 2021-7-20 01:12:26 已經 delete 咗 iOS 14 Beta Profile, up 14.7 等玩 iOS 15
Temuco 2021-7-20 01:13:18
一起到下世紀 2021-7-20 01:13:46 Dolby Atmos and Apple Music lossless audio playback may unexpectedly stop
灣仔遊戲機城 2021-7-20 01:25:17 RC (18G68)

正式版 (18G69)

四環九約 2021-7-20 01:35:13 iPad 2017仲未有
CHOK人 2021-7-20 01:37:15 same 除非佢仲再出14.8
CHOK人 2021-7-20 01:37:34 粒電玩5G
李氏聯和墟鼻屎獸 2021-7-20 01:41:45 ipad air 2019未有得update住
iphone 7 plus

呻吟待射 2021-7-20 02:01:41
灣仔遊戲機城 2021-7-20 02:07:25



呻吟待射 2021-7-20 02:14:10 照殺
等了又等 2021-7-20 02:16:53 此回覆已被刪除
唔好意思差2毫子 2021-7-20 02:24:33 有冇人iphone 14.7 watch 7.6
用唔到unlock with iPhone? reboot咗幾次,setting toggle咗幾次
都係apple watch要入passcode.
雙GAY無限 2021-7-20 02:40:03 xsmax 用緊13.7 升唔升14.7 好