有無人行加拿大stream B 同路人?
學術化糞池 2021-10-22 19:35:10 Nope,
The insurances I have were covered by the companies in HK and Canada.
I have the same question in my mind before but the price is a bit expensive for me, and I believe I can find a job in Canada very soon since once you got a job, you will have the health card etc.

Of curse, if you have sufficient money for an insurance, you shall buy one because of the China-virus and all other incident. I do suggest ppl to buy one, at least it cover you for first three months or half-year. Because you need times to research how’s the game rules of insurance in Canada. And you need time to build a credit record before you go for an insurance (not sure it’s related or not, just my colleagues told me).

If you going to tnt, you can left me a TG. See what I can help bro.


黑超仔 2021-10-23 07:22:19 巴打指強積金公司? 言網DIY GROUP 有人話匯豐都得
黑超仔 2021-10-23 07:24:18 打左復必泰
exception letter 喺OWP approval 幾日後收到
黑超仔 2021-10-23 07:25:38 係,佢當嗰筆錢係一般收入
黑超仔 2021-10-23 07:26:36 Toronto
老道 2021-10-23 08:05:43 巴打加唔到
我前世係張摺凳 2021-10-23 12:17:13 @Youdeservefreedom 加呢個
反正愛情不就這樣 2021-10-23 19:47:23
反正愛情不就這樣 2021-10-23 19:55:19
Mrmice 2021-10-23 20:01:32 想問問巴打 我係英國大學有degree, 洗唔洗又要考ielts 比佢睇? 純粹唔想曬錢同時間。 無理由我係英文國家degree都讀完,又要我考個ielte..
瀧瀧 2021-10-23 20:30:01 2023年2月就完宜個香港人OWP deadline


lostinhk 2021-10-23 20:32:33 Here~
XDXXD 2021-10-23 22:10:32 我都諗住22年尾stream B!留名
我前世係張摺凳 2021-10-23 22:53:24 我都係年尾,已經開始搞緊
XDXXD 2021-10-23 23:03:38 我都係啊
做左upfront body check
RAYIXR 2021-10-24 01:19:59 So 9 sad…..唔該曬
DualChannel 2021-10-24 07:16:15 apply緊等緊cncc送去領事館
NoNoNoX100 2021-10-24 07:36:49 你要知這裏很多五毛係到帶風向
NoNoNoX100 2021-10-24 07:37:15 師兄咩情況?
學術化糞池 2021-10-24 08:57:32 Doesn’t matter, my English suck as well
XDXXD 2021-10-24 09:06:41 Bro. Are you working in tnt now? I will be coming on Aug or Sep 2022. I plan to work in tnt when I moved in to Toronto. Can you tell me about the salary of the job?


學術化糞池 2021-10-24 09:17:44 What’s your profession, you can search some official data of your job in Canada govt website, they provide some stats for public regard job’ min average and max etc. You can take it as reference
XDXXD 2021-10-24 09:28:46 I’m only holding a degree of accounting and not a “Certified Practising Accountant”, so I’m not planning to do accounting job in first year when I moved in to Canada because I want to play safe and return to accounting job after I get PR.
I would like to find some job around minimum wage so I want to know more information about tnt haha.
好愛好散 2021-10-24 12:53:28 我批左OWP了!
車手要有火 2021-10-24 13:09:25 Ching係幾時交齊野架? 我等左個半月都冇聲氣