『歸家post』BNO 5+1 VISA 及 LOTR 申請資訊 (16) VISA有未等候區
維多利亞時代 2021-7-29 08:32:53


派路加度素 2021-7-29 10:03:41 咁個b係英國出世係跟父母

仲駛唔駛apply visa
一直掉眼淚 2021-7-29 10:27:13 Service Update
We are experiencing intermittent issues with our service. You might experience slow response times or see an error page when completing your application. We are working to fix this issue. If this impacts you, try again later. If the problem persists, contact us.

登入返個application 最頂出呢句
夕樹中子 2021-7-29 11:05:06 最好打電話去 Home Office 同佢講:
"The immigration officer didn't stamp our passports at the border."
精物小精靈大師 2021-7-29 12:29:45
獸足 2021-7-29 12:36:14 你個report等左幾耐?我等左成14個工作天都仲未出
我真係恭喜你呀! 2021-7-29 12:36:31
上高登勿諗真 2021-7-29 13:01:01
獸足 2021-7-29 13:04:34 唔通連tb test都變成黑洞
Lv1504 2021-7-29 13:05:13
黑夜 2021-7-29 13:06:20 你去邊間?


獸足 2021-7-29 13:10:32 卓健
火車入我窿 2021-7-29 13:25:49 其實點解返工比NI稅,但係報BNO Visa嘅時候又要交幾萬?
摩西斯襪奶茶 2021-7-29 13:26:03
硬了不易軟 2021-7-29 13:28:40
摩西斯襪奶茶 2021-7-29 13:31:57
Lv1504 2021-7-29 14:24:51
ソープランド 2021-7-29 14:30:45
豬hi八格野郎 2021-7-29 14:46:18
我真係恭喜你呀! 2021-7-29 14:53:50 依家full state pension 一星期係£137.6, 要qualify 攞到full state pension就要做夠30年, 咁其實依個amount又唔係好打跛腳哦
獸足 2021-7-29 14:59:55


肥_仔 2021-7-29 15:12:30
ソープランド 2021-7-29 15:18:58
瞓極都唔夠 2021-7-29 15:33:51
Lv1504 2021-7-29 15:37:08