『歸家post』BNO 5+1 VISA 及 LOTR 申請資訊 (16) VISA有未等候區
考古(有工返) 2021-7-25 22:52:33


考古(有工返) 2021-7-25 23:01:25
史萊姆的人生 2021-7-25 23:17:37 此回覆已被刪除
考古(有工返) 2021-7-25 23:29:49 China就得
反正你個passport issuing authority會係Hong Kong/ immigration department HKSAR.

scottsummer 2021-7-25 23:35:23 點解 Evidence upload個度得

1. Evidence of your accommodation costs
2. Evidence that you can support yourself, and anyone applying with you (if applicable), for the first 6 months in the UK

Evidence that you have permission to be in the country you are applying from. For example, a copy of your visa or green card.

無TB test 既
四聖諦 2021-7-25 23:48:44 得我一個係咁
四聖諦 2021-7-25 23:51:04 3月中交晒evidence? 恭喜你,我3月尾俾晒資料都未有聲氣
你有冇send email去follow up 過?或者電話去問?
依古 2021-7-25 23:54:39 係呀,過左12 weeks有complain過,隔左成個月之後收到罐頭回覆,都係話有technical問題所以未批,同埋無實質日期幾時批到俾你,但會搵case worker跟進,之後隔左一排就批左
四聖諦 2021-7-26 00:13:55 咁即係我只可以等
依古 2021-7-26 00:16:25 祝巴打盡快走出黑洞
四聖諦 2021-7-26 00:32:07 多謝你


史萊姆的人生 2021-7-26 00:39:56 此回覆已被刪除
Mentholatum 2021-7-26 01:06:55 香港直航出發入境英國需要提供起飛前三日內進行之武肺檢測證明

NHS tests cannot be used for the purpose of pre-departure testing before travel to England.

合資格嘅: This could include tests such as:

a nucleic acid test, including a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or derivative technologies, including loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) tests
an antigen test, such as a test from a lateral flow device

我怕香港的社檢測中心唔合要求,就上去香港gov (https://www.communitytest.gov.hk/zh-HK/)睇,又揾唔到依D中心係用咩test,唔知合唔合要求,所以想揾問一問有經驗嘅人,
硬了不易軟 2021-7-26 01:16:06
高地教堂 2021-7-26 02:05:12 而家仲有無人扲到mpf
Mentholatum 2021-7-26 02:17:11 多謝幫手!
啱啱有航空公司CS聽,佢話香港社區檢測中心果D test都係合資格嘅
硬了不易軟 2021-7-26 02:46:07
道友請留步 2021-7-26 02:51:37
ReGZ91 2021-7-26 02:59:55
海虎爆破拳 2021-7-26 03:46:14
海虎爆破拳 2021-7-26 03:50:41


雙刀流火雞 2021-7-26 04:48:31
自由價更高 2021-7-26 11:37:49
自由價更高 2021-7-26 11:39:51
所記 2021-7-26 13:40:18