『歸家post』BNO 5+1 VISA 及 LOTR 申請資訊 (16) VISA有未等候區
豬hi八格野郎 2021-7-19 20:51:35 我上次去又唔覺佢有講過BNO visa有得faster decision


一直掉眼淚 2021-7-19 21:06:39 我見其他VISA 有
BNO VISA 好似無呢樣野
一直掉眼淚 2021-7-19 21:07:54 我通常都係回: 咪字面咁解
24人共用帳戶 2021-7-19 21:35:12 條link有咩特別?
點解冇lala有條link比人check status?
24人共用帳戶 2021-7-19 21:46:29
希魔 2021-7-19 21:58:59 Priority Visas
Offered by UK Visas & Immigration
All customers may apply for the Priority Visa service apart from applicants who are applying for visas to visit other Commonwealth countries, British Overseas Territories, Crown Dependencies (the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man), ECAA, EUSS, EEA and British National Overseas (BNO) applications.

If available in your region and for your visa category, you can purchase this either on GOV.UK or when you book your appointment with VFS.
希魔 2021-7-19 21:59:16 唔識英文
24人共用帳戶 2021-7-19 22:31:00 冇寫bno visa 得唔得, 但好似所有淨係入英國既visa type 都得?
硬了不易軟 2021-7-19 22:32:22
希魔 2021-7-19 22:34:26 Priority Visas
Offered by UK Visas & Immigration
All customers may apply for the Priority Visa service apart from applicants who are applying for visas to visit other Commonwealth countries, British Overseas Territories, Crown Dependencies (the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man), ECAA, EUSS, EEA and British National Overseas (BNO) applications.
硬了不易軟 2021-7-19 22:36:39


24人共用帳戶 2021-7-19 22:58:58 但係佢呢句好似係講緊”除非你申請嘅Visa係用嚟去以下某某某地方,而其中一個地方係BNO (eg. Hong Kong)”
24人共用帳戶 2021-7-19 23:02:23 佢冇講明申請嘅”Visa”係student visa, working holiday visa, working visa 定 bno visa, 總之你申請呢個Visa唔係用嚟去英國本土以外嘅英屬/關聯地方,而佢冇講清楚呢個visa 有冇包括bno visa,所以我睇唔到
24人共用帳戶 2021-7-19 23:05:36 或者再簡單啲BNO application 即係整嗰本BNO而唔係 BNO Visa application?
24人共用帳戶 2021-7-19 23:05:53
希魔 2021-7-19 23:18:48 BNO有咩VISA 要申請咗先入得英國
摩西斯襪奶茶 2021-7-20 01:34:02 最後一班由香港直航而能趕上LOTR限期既BA32

LOTR 真.正式完結
海虎爆破拳 2021-7-20 02:07:06
道友請留步 2021-7-20 04:34:06
四聖諦 2021-7-20 06:29:08 最新回覆

Dear Madam,

Thank you for contacting UKVI Contact Centre.

Our records show your application has been received, but has not yet been completed by a caseworker.

We are unable to advise when a decision will be made but you will be notified in writing once made. Until such time, we are unable to assist further. Should the caseworker require further information and/or documents they will contact you.

We are sorry we cannot be of further assistance at this time.

UKVI is keen to continually review and improve its service to our customers. To help us to do so we would be grateful if you could complete a short online survey. Please access the survey using the following link:


Yours faithfully,

andrewyl 2021-7-20 08:54:32


豬hi八格野郎 2021-7-20 09:50:06

subject to immigration control:-, 係呢句嚇怕好多人啫

中英文名 2021-7-20 09:54:43 想問吓批咗BNO Visa之後 如果係Dependent可唔可以轉independent 之後同BNO主申請人分開計嗰5年? 感謝回覆
一直掉眼淚 2021-7-20 09:59:27 Independent

中英文名 2021-7-20 10:03:09 咁如果唔想拖住主申請人ILR嘅話係咪要等到佢ILR咗之後再申請先得