『歸家post』BNO 5+1 VISA 及 LOTR 申請資訊 (16) VISA有未等候區
希魔 2021-7-19 17:18:31 唔識英文


荷蘭短褲妹 2021-7-19 17:27:24
大埔王子 2021-7-19 17:35:43
豬hi八格野郎 2021-7-19 18:22:20 https://www.gov.uk/faster-decision-visa-settlement/applying-outside-the-uk

喺TG group 見到,希望有用
火山口旁抽插 2021-7-19 18:34:59 萬分感謝

垃圾人生. 2021-7-19 19:18:36 想問吓九七前出世 但係兩老無幫我搞BNO, 依家係咪唔使諗?
上高登勿諗真 2021-7-19 19:32:43
大波波天下 2021-7-19 19:38:51
道友請留步 2021-7-19 19:46:21
道友請留步 2021-7-19 19:58:17
夢愛麗絲 2021-7-19 19:58:49 好的 感謝你🙆


希魔 2021-7-19 19:58:49 https://www.vfsglobal.co.uk/hk/en/premium-services

要去VFS CENTER先有Premium Services
大波波天下 2021-7-19 20:01:43
垃圾人生. 2021-7-19 20:04:36 直接喺續証個網申請?
黑夜 2021-7-19 20:08:00 Chinese
perfectcy 2021-7-19 20:10:46 可以,你最好整一兩個月銀行戶口記錄證明他養緊你,比緊錢你用,咁就代表你係financial dependent on your mother,附合dependant的條件
perfectcy 2021-7-19 20:10:57 可以,你最好整一兩個月銀行戶口記錄證明他養緊你,比緊錢你用,咁就代表你係financial dependent on your mother,附合dependant的條件
希魔 2021-7-19 20:15:54 合符以下所有條件基本上可以肯定你有過BNO身份:
- 1997年7月1日前未滿11歲
- 身份證首次簽發日期為(06-97)或之前
- 香港出世而且出世紙寫有'Established'
戴住眼鏡搵眼鏡 2021-7-19 20:34:51 岩岩收到email去submit evidence 但係個網登入唔到點搞
RealWinner 2021-7-19 20:43:35 Our records show your application has been received but not yet completed by a caseworker.

We are unable to advise when a decision will be made but you will be notified in writing once made. Until such time, we are unable to assist further. Should the caseworker require further information and/or documents they will contact you.

We are sorry we cannot be of further assistance at this time.

希魔 2021-7-19 20:44:20 唔識英文


RealWinner 2021-7-19 20:45:04 但明明佢幫我escalate 點解個escalation team咁樣答我
係港女又話你知咩 2021-7-19 20:45:45
係港女又話你知咩 2021-7-19 20:48:20
leucocephalus 2021-7-19 20:49:07