AMD討論POST(69) 睇#1&有時間幫手填資料
Jacksjoke 2021-9-16 17:44:47 AMD EPYC “Milan-X” specifications leak out, up to 64 cores, 280W TDP and 768MB L3 cache


餘燼 2021-9-17 00:06:16 Updated Release Date: 10/22/2021
Jacksjoke 2021-9-17 00:06:51 咩事
餘燼 2021-9-17 00:46:40 唔知 本身eta好似係10/12/2021
Jacksjoke 2021-9-17 12:21:16

Jacksjoke 2021-9-17 19:56:39 AMD Instinct MI300 accelerator might have an Exascale APU mode

Jacksjoke 2021-9-18 20:28:59 AMD: We Stand Ready to Make Arm Chips

AMD's CFO Devinder Kumar recently commented that AMD stands ready to manufacture Arm chips if needed, noting that the company's customers want to work with AMD on Arm-based solutions. Kumar's remarks came during last week's Deutsche Bank Technology Conference, building on comments from AMD CEO Lisa Su earlier in the year that underscored the company's willingness to create custom silicon solutions for its customers, be they based on x86 or Arm architectures. Intel also intends to produce Arm and RISC-V chips, too, meaning that the rise of non-x86 architectures will be partially fueled by the stewards of the dominant x86 ecosystem.
Jacksjoke 2021-9-18 20:33:00 Update chippset driver la

AMD has divulged details about a chipset vulnerability that can allow non-privileged users to read and dump some types of memory pages in Windows. This technique allows an attacker to steal passwords or enable other types of attacks, including circumventing standard KASLR exploitation (aka Spectre and Meltdown) mitigations (via TheRecord).

Word of the bug came as part of a coordinated disclosure with Kyriakos Economou, a security researcher and co-founder of ZeroPeril, who exploited the vulnerability to downloaded several gigabytes of sensitive data from impacted AMD processors — but as a non-admin user. AMD has prepared mitigations that can be downloaded either as part of its latest chipset drivers or by using Windows Update to update the AMD PSP driver (details of how to update are below).
L'A 2021-9-19 13:17:17 係咪暫時都冇消息講幾時出zen3既XT款?
你唔好咁ON9啦 2021-9-19 13:20:32 有無x570s 主機板推介
暫時睇上 MSI x570s Tomahawk
Budget最多 $2000左右

Jacksjoke 2021-9-19 13:39:01 有冇io要求?


Jacksjoke 2021-9-19 13:40:41 應該冇 只有3d cache
你唔好咁ON9啦 2021-9-19 14:56:29 應該無 因為太耐無砌機 溫唔切書

諗住俾5900x 用

供電夠 同 塊板唔好過熱就得
Jacksjoke 2021-9-19 15:03:17 用得x570s m.2 有3個係基本

上Giga x570s arous pro ax
白芳禮 2021-9-19 15:46:40 之前係唔係有個windows 更新會令到打唔到機?
Jacksjoke 2021-9-19 16:05:28 你上左最新版本?
白芳禮 2021-9-19 16:22:00 我個Fd用5600x 同3060
應該係windows 最新版本
試過down old version N記drive
燒furmark 10分鐘左右個furmark就會停咗
Jacksjoke 2021-9-19 16:25:19 呢個?

直接downgrade 2004算
Jacksjoke 2021-9-19 16:26:22 想要停止上最新 用呢個
白芳禮 2021-9-19 17:16:45 試下downgrade 先,都唔得就可能張卡收皮
你唔好咁ON9啦 2021-9-19 17:39:31 但我又唔洗用到3條 SSD 既
tomahawk 用料差過arous pro ax?


Jacksjoke 2021-9-19 18:28:12 今代msi x570s : carbon 》tomahawk

Arous pro = carbon
Jacksjoke 2021-9-19 19:14:50 今代giga x570s🈶️比oc switch

不過如果怕左Giga 形象&強仔保養 就只能msi / Asus
宇都宮條仔 2021-9-19 21:23:12 前幾日終於由2700x升做5600x 打機爽勁多
宜家想換走埋張rog 5700xt 真係太熱
Jacksjoke 2021-9-19 21:24:12 upgrade nv 30 series / amd rx 6000 seriers