J.Spearing 2021-7-27 19:33:58 此回覆已被刪除


T1_90th 2021-7-27 20:20:07
童軍彈 2021-7-27 22:36:22
唯愛西卡 2021-7-28 02:09:49
沉睡中的主角 2021-7-28 06:22:48
飛天意麵神教 2021-7-28 08:35:54
空中巴士司機 2021-7-28 08:50:02
T1_90th 2021-7-28 09:08:54
T1_90th 2021-7-28 09:11:32
唯愛西卡 2021-7-28 09:22:09
T1_90th 2021-7-28 09:31:45


唯愛西卡 2021-7-28 11:00:21
南條水鳥拳 2021-7-28 11:28:34
早洩有得醫? 2021-7-28 12:33:35 幣安c2c成日見有間係金鐘現金面交 唔知有無人試過
南條水鳥拳 2021-7-28 12:48:07
T1_90th 2021-7-28 12:51:07
T1_90th 2021-7-28 12:52:02
單身的小英武 2021-7-28 13:11:55 此回覆已被刪除
咖喱薯仔炆雞 2021-7-28 14:11:34 0.01 payout 但要自己俾tx

3) Minimum payout threshold will be reduced to 0.01 ETH & no monthly automatic payouts.Clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows

4) Payout tx fee to be paid by the miner for all Ethereum mainnet payout transactions- miners can set the maximum gas price they are willing to pay.Handshake
T1_90th 2021-7-28 16:30:31 呢個係過幾日London Handfork先生效
今日應該係繼續行June 1嘅政策
渴望菊花 2021-7-28 16:30:45


我要攬鈔 2021-7-28 19:59:38 此回覆已被刪除
早洩有得醫? 2021-7-28 21:08:20 晚上gas fee好似又少返
泰國飛機師 2021-7-29 05:13:23
T1_90th 2021-7-29 11:16:05