apple 出左magsafe尿袋
我愛小露寶 2021-7-19 23:12:00 唔係好似



我愛小露寶 2021-7-19 23:13:17 好顛
唔理 唔知 見唔到
同藍廢or 黃廢有咩分別
心快要撐不下去 2021-7-19 23:21:50 用落點
呻吟待射 2021-7-19 23:39:18 唔係我的, 外國有人早收到貨
奇好 2021-7-19 23:40:27 有無人知幾時有得walkin 買
呻吟待射 2021-7-19 23:56:26 Russell shared some early impressions of the iPhone 12 MagSafe Battery Pack

* “smooth hard plastic. Not silicone like I assumed. Feel like it might hold up better.”
* “magnet is STRONG. I can see where this would be an issue with leather cases & the circular imprint.”
* “perfect combo w/ white silicone case.”
呻吟待射 2021-7-19 23:57:54
就當我未玩夠 2021-7-20 08:19:46 唔知同belkin果個比邊個好啲
ps4psv 2021-7-20 10:17:36 原來可以無線差Airpods Pro
八支八支半 2021-7-20 10:29:29 今日有WALKIN 啦
美利堅特別行政區 2021-7-20 10:32:24 明明整大D舊電就OK 偏偏要整多個產品出黎 哇屌 真係好撚環保噃


在你的左右 2021-7-20 10:55:35 其實應該同Oisle嗰個差唔多薄
特斯拉狂牛 2021-7-20 11:30:04

狂犬 2021-7-20 11:32:24 此回覆已被刪除
芝麻糊 2021-7-20 12:53:58 係咪10k 果個香港無?
HP0 2021-7-20 13:00:03 個外型太7

電腦大爆炸 2021-7-20 13:06:18
當當買一個magsafe charger + 尿袋,其實都ok 啊
八支八支半 2021-7-20 13:13:59 其實幾靚
在你的左右 2021-7-20 15:28:37 Reddit用家評價

Battery was 0% on arrival

The material does not feel the same as a white silicone case. It doesn’t have the same soft touch and is a harder type plastic

The magnet attachment feels much stronger than the leather wallet

Same length and width as the leather wallet but obviously much thicker

Weighs 115g, 11mm thick

Charged phone from 83% to 91% in about 30 mins. Seem to have stopped after reaching more than 90% as indicated in the notification pop up when you first attach it.
連登zero 2021-7-20 16:36:08 係好過兩用嗰個濕鳩嘢
Go_Marine 2021-7-20 19:05:28

都ok 好渣手
冇左條濕9 cable 十分好


Go_Marine 2021-7-20 19:07:20 另外個外殼係白色硬膠
八支八支半 2021-7-20 23:05:04 你地有無叉電動畫?
你唔好咁黐線啦 2021-7-20 23:34:05 冇呀,我係ios 15 beta 3
一命驚人 2021-7-20 23:46:24 我有,14.7