加拿大移民討論區(7) National exemption for HKers
肥毒矮柒宅 2021-7-9 20:03:18


死左爛做似隻狗 2021-7-9 20:12:53
挪威森林喵 2021-7-9 20:44:52 咁做ECA先
挪威森林喵 2021-7-9 20:45:20
埃及希臘秘魯 2021-7-9 21:58:23 此回覆已被刪除
桜木花道 2021-7-9 22:24:15 想問吓依家郵局派嗰個唾液檢測
關老二大意失賓周 2021-7-9 22:28:50 好多要拎牌 拎牌要學師 自己研究下
關老二大意失賓周 2021-7-9 22:30:31 17都趕唔切啦 睇你做開邊行 有無信心搵得返本行同呢行係咪0ab

總結 課金包生仔 如果有錢的話
挪威森林喵 2021-7-9 22:35:34
行得Stream A 就唔洗OWP
OWP for Stream B多
pornhuber 2021-7-10 00:46:06
嘔泡果奶 2021-7-10 01:01:01


Maideneh 2021-7-10 02:10:42 此回覆已被刪除
2021-7-10 03:23:24 可以
精氣神儲氣 2021-7-10 10:25:15 1)係,申請唔到香港人路線既owp。
a)有僱主擔保你去做野 (你好有料,隔岸搵到工/ 做跨國企業調你去加拿大/移民agent買工(犯法))
b)sowp(結婚,配偶去讀書,你拎sowp) /
c)pgwp (去讀書,畢業後拎畢業工簽)
3)如果第二題你fulfill到1年工作經驗要求咪行到stream b. 但你都見到2b同2c先決條件都係要有人去讀書,先做得到呢件事,可能你讀完書直接申請stream a仲簡單

SOWP: 當你搞得掂結婚先啦, 如果另一半讀兩年diploma,你拎sowp做一年野就申請得stream b, 會慳咗一年。因為stream a要靠你另一半讀完兩年先申請得
PGWP: 如果讀stream a 合資格課程,就申請stream a啦,唔使再去做野行stream b
Craig_tweek 2021-7-10 11:23:46 你講到35以下姐係都30幾啦

mr_white 2021-7-10 11:42:56 外國人買樓好似要比多1x% tax
EatSlpGym 2021-7-10 15:02:18 一年嘅master degree是咪都可以行Stream A
是旦啦 2021-7-10 15:26:59
滿島光 2021-7-10 19:39:20 有冇人問過??

到底香港讀果D professional dip pt 1年制行唔行到stream b?

個DIP本身有hd 入學要求
屌你條撚 2021-7-10 20:39:16 試下wes先,睇下wes點判定你個case

聽落你個case係a foreign educational credential equivalent to one of the following: a Canadian graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate (for a program of at least 1 year)
不過要前面駁一個post-secondary diploma
You must also have completed a post-secondary diploma or degree as a prerequisite to this graduate or post-graduate program. You must have completed this prerequisite diploma or degree in the 5 years before you started your graduate or post-graduate program.

咁 professional dip pt 就滿足第一個要求,而前面個hd如果有兩年就應該可以符合第二個要求
滿島光 2021-7-10 20:42:48 有人話WES睇科計,但又唔知幾多科/credit先會同fulltime pgd一樣


Starboy 2021-7-10 21:01:41 好似唔得,你讀master 要你個degree畢業五年內
屌你條撚 2021-7-10 21:17:29 唔駛
Starboy 2021-7-10 21:47:20 You must also have completed a post-secondary diploma or degree as a prerequisite to this graduate or post-graduate program.

You must have completed this prerequisite diploma or degree in the 5 years before you started your graduate or post-graduate program.

止若即若離 2021-7-10 21:52:57 有冇人知學生簽證既letter of explanation 要點寫

