[音響撚]音響HIFI討論區 (13)
毒善其身 2021-7-30 13:12:15 此回覆已被刪除


偽文青 2021-7-30 13:27:58 見佢又拎獎 個mon 幾高級咁

Ls50 wireless 2反而無咗 rca輸入
我要係streamer line out 轉 coax
毒善其身 2021-7-30 13:36:56 此回覆已被刪除
偽文青 2021-7-30 13:38:25 玩多陣先啦 唔得先放啦
買咗兩三日 會心痛
毒善其身 2021-7-30 13:49:47 此回覆已被刪除
草食男 2021-7-30 15:29:53 CXN digital out應該bypass解碼
偽文青 2021-7-30 15:50:49 返去再研究下
肓享炎 2021-7-30 21:27:37 新手Budget 7000 想入手All in one
主要用黎聽歌 + 睇戲
除左Klipsch The Fives 之外仲有咩好選擇?
蔥絲 2021-7-30 22:49:21 我都睇緊the fives
另外同價位仲有audioengine hd6
蔥絲 2021-7-30 22:50:49 另外kef ls50 wireless 1代好似都「差唔多」價錢
VicF 2021-7-31 06:34:40 kanto TUK, 6千零,不過uSB DAC冇klipsch the fives可以去到192/24, 只有96/24, 冇eARC接駁電視機,只有光纖輸入




不是不肖子 2021-7-31 11:17:24 想問下本身用開av amp (denon x1600),對喇叭係mission LX2,想聽歌質素好番d,加多部amp 有無推介?budget 4000
烏龜子 2021-7-31 12:27:44 屋企有對edifier a100, 想買部onkyo tx8390 pre out 去 a100, 音質會唔會有提升
VicF 2021-7-31 12:40:55 marantz pm6007實價估計唔到4000,或者Yamaha AS501
VicF 2021-7-31 12:43:49 TX8390有擴音機,你主動喇叭買嚟冇用喎

不是不肖子 2021-7-31 13:22:04
唔該,不過講漏左少少,最好有埋串流or 藍芽,yamaha wxa50 買唔買得過?仲有樣野,兩部amp 共用一對喇叭,除左用果陣先插線有無其他便利d 既方法?
VicF 2021-7-31 15:06:36 wxa50可以,但冇上面2部純擴音機好,冇AV AMP所以答唔到點BYPASS,等其他人答
班拿貝球場 2021-7-31 17:55:07 有無巴打用緊polk audio reserve 系列?
試聽佢隻r500 幾正, 個sales 話幾夾天龍

本身諗住入門買隻書架r100 玩下先..
HAMHAM 2021-7-31 17:58:28 有個audio pro 既 wireless speaker 喺度
LIving LV3


冇左個wireless transmitter 有冇可能有代用?
係用blue tooth set岩frequency就得架?
電火 2021-7-31 21:13:05 入門水貨金仔最平幾錢
青蛙王子+ 2021-7-31 21:38:55 AS501 點都好力過 WXA 50


VicF 2021-7-31 22:39:05 大概實價85~9折左右,壞咗見啲人去沙田火炭樂聞,好唔好就唔知

有人直接寄去 https://www.accuphase.co.jp/service_about.html

wwwssslll 2021-7-31 22:54:31 想問下 play-fi support KKBOX hifi? 好似得普通kkbox
野生動植物 2021-7-31 23:16:44 好難會壞
VicF 2021-8-1 07:15:10 馬仔擴音機連Doug Stirling都推薦pm6004推佢哋嘅ls 3/5a
佢唔推薦膽機或者high end機

Doug uses Audion 300B amps. at the factory, but they are six times the cost of the Marantz.
He told me the ‘6004 is very good value with a neutral sound.

To ( sort of ) revive this thread, I was recently in touch with Doug Stirling re. amplifiers.
He recommended the Marantz PM6004 to use with the V3s.
Fortunately one became available via PFM, so I took a chance.

The Quad 34/303 was good.
The Arcam Delta 60 was excellent.
The PM6004 is superb !

More detail, a bigger soundstage and slightly better definition in the bass.
The extra detail doesn’t come with extra brightness, which can sometimes be the case.

I haven’t yet tried the Marantz with my Spendor BC1s.
I’ve got that to look forward to...


所以marantz pm6007 絕對唔會買錯,馬仔機一向音樂感好好,唔係冇位,我都想買部返嚟推V2, 睇吓同金仔E600有幾大分別