你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 00:51:54 如果你本身條件唔錯,你可以試吓搵工先
若三個月內一個面試機會都冇的話,可以去啲名牌大學報讀短期證書課程(呢類型課程,入學門檻低,而且價錢平,同時可以利用學校career services幫手搵工)


你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 00:53:46 如果冇工種限制,咁可以隨便搵份工,拎咗job offer入境然後拎埋PR先讀書


擁護明清 2021-6-28 00:53:53 18年grad, 做緊金融業associate grade, 過嚟搵返差唔多水平工難唔難(人工ard hkd 40k)?雖然唔太想讀,但諗緊係咪應該過嚟讀master先,之後再搵工會大機會啲
Hkpeople1234123 2021-6-28 00:55:20 冇學歷有咩工前景好
Threadripper 2021-6-28 00:58:52 全世界都一樣 水電工
你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 00:59:17 呢邊做律師要license
你可以send個email去Upper Law Society of Ontario同Ontario Bar Association問吓點樣轉牌

會建議你去啲細firm報legal assistant / law clerk工作先,至起碼可以拎到相關經驗,然後再一邊工作一邊考Ontario bar

呢邊做細firm legal assistant好多時候都唔需要你有paralegal license,所以應該成功機率比較大
CNTower 2021-6-28 00:59:34 There is an annual limit on TFSA contribution.
Really hard to have $200,000 in their TFSA in 2019 without trading frequently. The maximum contribution from 2009 to 2019 was $63,500
CRA has been checking for balance over $100,000 since 2016 when the cumulative contributions from 2009 to 2016 was only $46,000.
That means any account with close to 100% return will be selected for review.
You said some of the TFSA accounts have 2 to 3 million. The cumulative contribution from 2009 to 2021 is $75,500. $2,000,000 is 26.5 times. I can guarantee you Canada Revenue Agency will select that TFSA for immediate audit.


According to CRA spokesperson Etienne Biram, as of 2016 roughly 18,000 of the 13.5 million TFSAs had values of $100,000 or more. Of those, “a small number” are “using these accounts in aggressive tax planning. That’s not right, and the CRA is taking action to crack down on these individuals.”
能共處是美景 2021-6-28 01:00:08
CNTower 2021-6-28 01:00:32 Where do you want to go eventually?
拜登(坐緊監) 2021-6-28 01:00:45 我其實搏小朋友可以留喺嗰度讀書,大不了留喺香港供佢,但我想搏一次全家移民,不過三十幾呢排交 paper, ielts , prepare 搵工,仲有本身返工家頭細務,人都癲
你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 01:01:10 GTA唔覺有農場
同埋呢邊好多農場通常都係family business,一家人一齊打理


豆豆豆豆漿 2021-6-28 01:04:07
爾後 2021-6-28 01:04:20 4大 college係公立定私立
CNTower 2021-6-28 01:05:23 Again, I am not sure about the current policies.
I didn't bother to follow up since I became a CA.
You may have to take more courses and exams to become a CPA in Ontario.
I suggest you contact CPA Ontario and see what they say
It would be a waste of talents if someone with a professional designation but can not practice in Canada.

你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 01:05:24 如果你完全唔介意係乜嘢類型工作/人工幾多的話,就應該唔需要預一年燒錢

其實好多政府機構同埋non profit organizations都成日舉辦networking events

YES Employment Services
ACCES Employment
Employment Ontario
YMCA Employment Services

呢邊有啲華人求職機構會同你講,有特別渠道可以好快幫你搵到工,但係需要收你頭一兩個月嘅salary (或者會用百分比)。千祈唔好去呢啲機構度搵工!佢哋好多都係呃錢㗎,而且做好多不法生意
你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 01:05:42 我真係唔知呀 Sor
你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 01:10:33 唔使客氣!
佢地俾員工嘅paid vacation通常高於法定要求
Entry level 通常已經會有 3 weeks paid vacation

Employment Standards Act要求少於五年服務年資嘅員工 at minimum 有每年兩個星期嘅vacation entitlement,不過大部份雇主都會俾多一個星期(有時另外仲會有paid personal days)

總括來講,法定假期加上paid vacation已經非常足夠
你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 01:11:30 冇車的話,可以考慮Downtown, North York同埋其他地鐵沿線condo

keriihome 2021-6-28 01:12:42 拎住nutrition (higher diploma) cert. 嚟有冇相關工作可以做
武肺就是武肺 2021-6-28 01:19:39 我追post見到digital marketing 相關
請問corp comm / event management 係咪因為武肺所以市道差?
之前喺加拿大exchange 好鐘意佢嘅環境同人,但聽講搵工好難

更何況呢啲唔使professional qualification 嘅行業我諗仲難搵?
肌肉嘉年華 2021-6-28 01:19:42 留名
呢個post d資訊好清晰詳盡


CNTower 2021-6-28 01:25:14 self directed RRSP
張家漢 2021-6-28 01:25:41 Fresh grad 乞食科零工作經驗易唔易搵工?做邊行都無所謂,有工就得。英文嘅話IELTS得6.0,日文有N2。
CNTower 2021-6-28 01:26:25 Yes. Just ignore them.
Most of the media are 藍 too.
CNTower 2021-6-28 01:27:24 are you a 藥劑師 now?