吸血王子李駿傑 2021-6-28 00:26:33


CNTower 2021-6-28 00:27:27 玩day trade啲稅咪勁煩


Business Income and Losses
For day traders, any profits and losses are treated as business income, not capital.

As a result, you can’t use the 50% capital gains rate on any profits. Instead, 100% of all profits are taxed at your current tax rate.

At the same time, 100% of any losses are deductible too; that can be applied to other sources of income as well.

For example, if you report an annual trading loss of $15,000 this year and you also run a business, you can deduct your trading losses against other sources of income. This includes money made from your other business, which can significantly reduce the amount you pay in taxes.

If you’re a full-time day trader, you can also claim expenses related to your trading.

Just like with any other business, you need to have receipts for all the items you declare on your tax returns.

The CRA will not accept these kinds of deductions without receipts.

Deductions can include anything from taking stock market trading courses, to educational resources, the purchase of a computer, and your monthly internet bill
巴菲特(廢老) 2021-6-28 00:28:37 She means her employer may hire her for 30 hours per week only. She may need to seek for part-time job for the remaining.
想同林鄭性交 2021-6-28 00:29:52 長知識了
IR56F 2021-6-28 00:29:54
想同林鄭性交 2021-6-28 00:31:56 洗鬼理人點睇姐
CNTower 2021-6-28 00:32:30 https://www.finder.com/ca/invest-in-us-stocks

When you file your personal income tax returns, you have to provide all your trading in foreign stock on T1135 if over $100,000
呂大俠 2021-6-28 00:33:44 其實加拿大生活上好多野都要花精力體力去做,例如垃圾要自行分類,垃圾車一兩星期先收一次,間屋有D咩問題要自己落手落腳整,喺香港好多嘢都可以用錢解決。
無知的人 2021-6-28 00:33:52 此回覆已被刪除
IR56F 2021-6-28 00:34:39
Boleamo 2021-6-28 00:35:12 升學移民


月巴氵皮女 2021-6-28 00:35:14 但人仲在港 無加拿大地址
CNTower 2021-6-28 00:39:00 New immigrants to Canada must prepare a list of all securities, real estate and assets etc. at FMV on date of entry. This will help in calculating your gain/loss when you dispose them at a later date. Your gain since you landed may be subject to Canadian income tax.

e.g bought on Jan 4, 2018 $100,000
Landed date Aug 1, 2022 150,000
dispose date Sept 2022 160,000

taxable gain $160,000-$150,000 = $10,000- most likely considered as capital gain. therefore 50% taxable at whatever marginal rate you have.

just a simple calculation.
你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 00:40:11 如果你有CFA FRM會比較容易搵工
而且過到嚟第一份應該比較難搵到manager grade

銀行其實好多人爭住apply,而且通常要有employee referral成功率先大啲

你可以試吓credit union同埋payment processor (e.g. First Data, Global Payments, Moneris等等)
CNTower 2021-6-28 00:40:58 https://www.finder.com/ca/invest-in-us-stocks
豆豆豆豆漿 2021-6-28 00:41:38
你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 00:41:44 巴打,Sor 我建議你自己send 封email去問
chaeyoung 2021-6-28 00:41:52
RedHood 2021-6-28 00:43:49 此回覆已被刪除
呂大俠 2021-6-28 00:43:56 好明白你,因為我都係咁。而家啱啱過到嚟都冇得做野,因為等緊owp. 我果行香港同呢邊反差極大,就算撈起都係一半收入,而且唔係人人都撈得掂。我話移民D同事個個覺得我好勇/cls. 有前輩睇死我兩年後會返香港
呂大俠 2021-6-28 00:44:44 SP?


RedHood 2021-6-28 00:47:07 此回覆已被刪除
你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 00:47:17 你想住幾大地方?一家四口的話,我建議你睇Townhouse,而家好少Condo單位有三房(而且面積細好多,又冇backyard,會少咗好多活動空間)

一個decent嘅三房Townhouse單位喺GTA都要預最少 $3500,另外再加水電上網費

你老母唔係我 2021-6-28 00:49:46 興㗎,依家越來越多呢啲興趣班同playgroup
醉愛x燒賣 2021-6-28 00:50:43 2020 BBA 頹科畢業,做緊digital marketing,不過都有定打算過到果邊做唔番白領