喂!夠鐘食飯 2021-6-27 23:46:14


小草一朵朵 2021-6-27 23:46:56 我覺得樓主有用d
CNTower 2021-6-27 23:49:53 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rent_control_in_Ontario#:~:text=Rent%20regulation%20was%20first%20introduced,the%20National%20Housing%20Act%201944.&text=The%20modern%20history%20of%20rent,to%20the%201975%20provincial%20election.

My friend ( I helped him get elected) was one of the legislator who passed the "rent control' legislation.

I thanked him then because I was a renter then. I changed my mind after I became a landlord. Many developers shy away from building more residential rental apartments and switch to building commercial rental buildings. The decrease in supply caused a shortage of rental apartments. Most developer then build more Condos. Landlords of these new condos can rent them out at any price they can get initially and subject to rent control afterwards.

I had audited many large developer and had witnessed the change since 1977.

History of percentage increase since 1977
小草一朵朵 2021-6-27 23:51:33 班傻西香港日成日都話香港政府做野慢,明明就全球最快
CNTower 2021-6-27 23:51:37 $14.25 per hour X 40 hrs = $570 per week.
How do you get 30 hr per week?
想同林鄭性交 2021-6-27 23:51:41 人地好心覆關你x事
SnowRabbit 2021-6-27 23:51:49 想請問係咪要搭好耐
我都係想慳錢 唔介意住得遠
向左行向右行 2021-6-27 23:52:07 想請問個d College Cert 包工個d會唔會好低人工等等?
小草一朵朵 2021-6-27 23:52:33 咪騎劫樓主個post啦
想同林鄭性交 2021-6-27 23:52:40
CNTower 2021-6-27 23:52:45 太空人?
My friend has a few SP who are wife of 太空人.


psychoterror1st 2021-6-27 23:52:55

Boleamo 2021-6-27 23:53:06 大學有咩科係受歡迎或者容易啲讀
k00kder 2021-6-27 23:53:29 唔一定無窗嘅,細窗, 亦可能係walkout basement 落地玻璃。
可摸以轉工啊 2021-6-27 23:54:30 辣椒絲可唔可以加個tg 我都申請緊owp呀

1. 2021-6-27 23:54:51 Show Block User 小草一朵朵


小草一朵朵 2021-6-27 23:55:16 有病睇醫生啦
k00kder 2021-6-27 23:55:20 讀完個diploma都應該搵到工啦
小草一朵朵 2021-6-27 23:55:38 有病睇醫生啦 on99
1. 2021-6-27 23:55:43 屌你老母弱智仔
SnowRabbit 2021-6-27 23:56:11 UBC political science 基本上唔駛俾學費 (你入得佢就俾船你)你去睇睇
同埋就算要俾都好平 講緊係大概90000港紙


CNTower 2021-6-27 23:56:28 但CRA又冇確切定義何謂trader.
This is how I used to teach my tax audit staff

frequent transactions, extensive buying and selling of securities
short periods of ownership
some knowledge of or experience in the securities markets
security transactions form a part of the taxpayer's ordinary business
a substantial portion of the taxpayer's time is spent studying markets investigating potential securities purchases
security purchases are financed primarily with margin or debt
the taxpayer has advertised or otherwise made it known that he is willing to purchase securities
securities purchased are speculative in nature or do not pay dividends

However, when in DOUBT, re-assess as INCOME first.
1. 2021-6-27 23:56:40 係加拿大d post 答到on99 仲好意思黎踩場
樓豬食咗我個豬 2021-6-27 23:56:48 Off topic 問吓
樓主有冇多倫多/ north york 或markham踢波嘅tg group
想同林鄭性交 2021-6-27 23:57:07 你似有病多啲