k00kder 2021-6-27 23:22:04 無牌最多做physiotherapist assistant


上網搵下job listing,好多都要有相關college diploma,私人嘅就易商量啲


psychoterror1st 2021-6-27 23:23:37 tg 有加拿大group 入面有幾千人 實會搵到自己人照應嘅

我諗其實好多人都同感 不過如果因為怕而唔踏出呢一步 將來一定會後悔

k00kder 2021-6-27 23:24:33 Yes. co-op Waterloo 好似要 PR先得
CNTower 2021-6-27 23:24:36 bachelor apartments-

basement apartments

room with private bathroom
想同林鄭性交 2021-6-27 23:27:20 Top up都得?
疏影 2021-6-27 23:27:21 此回覆已被刪除
無知的人 2021-6-27 23:28:33 此回覆已被刪除
k00kder 2021-6-27 23:30:12 niagara都話遠?! 租平好多,我估學費都平事?

拜登(坐緊監) 2021-6-27 23:30:15 Degree 吖嘛
辣椒釀龜頭 2021-6-27 23:31:25
再見香港 2021-6-27 23:31:58


CNTower 2021-6-27 23:33:47 我見有啲人TFSA有2-3M CAD,咁即係有幾百萬tax free嘅限額去玩股票,都好發發

The maximum contribution room from 2012 to 2021 is $60,500.
2021 $6,000
2020 $6,000
2019 $6,000
2018 $5,500
2017 $5,500
2016 $5,500
2015 $10,000
2014 $5,500
2013 $5,500
2012 $5,000

Your friends may be lying to you or your friend will be audited by Canada Revenue Agency very soon.

TFSA Stock Trading Rules
You may be surprised to learn that your trading activity could constitute a business, even if it’s done inside a TFSA. The tax rules mean that should a TFSA operate like a business then they have to pay income tax.

Recently, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has focused their audits on taxpayers that are actively trading within their Tax-Free Savings account.

The CRA takes account a number of things into account when determining whether or not a TFSA is subject to income tax. These include the duration of the holdings, the frequency of the transaction and your intention to hold investments for resale at a profit.

In situations where one or more TFSA taxes are applicable, a TFSA return must be filled out and sent by June 30 of the year following the calendar year in which the tax arose
CNTower 2021-6-27 23:35:28 She likes the resident there. Although we live only 16 km away.
She didn't like to commute to U of T.
k00kder 2021-6-27 23:37:35 data 既係?

大把同事英文差,句句錯文法咁濟, 但好有料,有啲成日俾CIO叫去開會聽佢意見。

就算BA 要成日同user 溝通都有大陸人pronunciation 離曬譜都做到 - 佢出啲 spec 同 testing 係OK。
CNTower 2021-6-27 23:37:46 I was planning to retire in HK too....There is no place on earth that is better than HK before 1997.
What is 'data" ? Your kid(s) will thank you when they grow up.
傻木瓜 2021-6-27 23:37:53 LM
CNTower 2021-6-27 23:39:03 Go through NCA la.

Some law firm will hire NCA student but may be unpaid
拜登(坐緊監) 2021-6-27 23:39:33 Data analysis 嗰方面,幫人砌 data base 同做 BI 野
Silhouettel 2021-6-27 23:39:36 冇本地工作經驗係咪多數唔會請?
k00kder 2021-6-27 23:40:21 而家無啦,幫親戚做包租公啫。

疏影 2021-6-27 23:42:09 此回覆已被刪除


小草一朵朵 2021-6-27 23:43:50 淨係想睇樓主覆咋,唔想睇個cntower覆
k00kder 2021-6-27 23:44:59 我識嗰班香港嚟到轉行IT人年齡 20 mun 到40幾。
小草一朵朵 2021-6-27 23:46:07 屌拋個網址當覆左

拜登(坐緊監) 2021-6-27 23:46:10 Data analysis, thanks bro, I really love the date before 1997, I just want my kid can have a better future. This is a hard decision to me as I need to restart my live in this age, but I don’t want kid to live in this unfamiliar area