CNTower 2021-6-27 22:58:13 Many people were CAUGHT.
5 years ago, my bank investment advisor told me he had made a killing on his TFSA . I told him he may be consider a "trader" and have to pay income tax on his gain. He didn't believe me. I met with him again last year and he told me CRA considered his $85,000 gain on his TFSA as income ask if I can help him fight the re-assessment.


CNTower 2021-6-27 22:58:48 I may be a bit long winded... comes with age
k00kder 2021-6-27 22:59:34 唔明點解香港人成日講讀master轉行IT。(你想做CIO本身有好多年工作/行政經驗除外)

transfer credit讀2nd degree 或IT diploma (雞精斑或college)
無知的人 2021-6-27 23:00:04 此回覆已被刪除
疏影 2021-6-27 23:00:15 此回覆已被刪除
維尼(小學畢業) 2021-6-27 23:02:36 [member]thx

最低工資可能最多得 30hr per week

我會自己煮嘢食, 窮撚唔 dine out
but own bath is most important
CNTower 2021-6-27 23:04:40 U of T has 3 campuses.
I went to Mississauga for first two years- nice beautiful campus
then transferred to St. George campus- Downtown Toronto- a cluster of buildings within a few city block- My classes were all over the place.
There is a campus in Scarborough. I have been there once. Not sure how it is.

好唔好讀 master? i didn't go for master, not sure.
How do you define 好唔好讀?
難唔難報- you have to try to find out
CNTower 2021-6-27 23:07:14 毛出在羊身上
k00kder 2021-6-27 23:07:45 唐人街同華人超市咪多扒手囉。


Robbery/mugging 好少聽過。

我住downtown幾十年啲人成日話downtown治安唔好, 我唔覺。 住Markham Richmond hill 啲香港人見到downtown有人乞錢會話治安差。
呂大俠 2021-6-27 23:08:16 呢類人係麻煩D,你可以做太空人,但你老婆肯唔肯?如果真係過,可以諗下香港人圈內做生意,不過轉行唔係個個得。
辣椒釀龜頭 2021-6-27 23:08:36 但咁樣途徑搵樓租金係咪會貴啲,羊毛出自羊身上


疏影 2021-6-27 23:09:01 此回覆已被刪除
k00kder 2021-6-27 23:09:42 老人家長氣啲姐,都有啲有用嘢
搖擺周賓 2021-6-27 23:10:05 溫哥華同佢比 差幾遠?
呂大俠 2021-6-27 23:10:46 好似睇區
拜登(坐緊監) 2021-6-27 23:10:56 我咁啱讀 top up 9月 grad 可以行 stream B,但好驚搵唔到工
辣椒釀龜頭 2021-6-27 23:13:11 我都唔多接受到share廁所,就算細間啲遠啲都冇所謂但真係唔想共用廁所
疏影 2021-6-27 23:13:32 此回覆已被刪除
辣椒釀龜頭 2021-6-27 23:15:15 重想問吓買繁體中文書難唔難?定多數都係博客來嗰啲算數,唔去實體書店
k00kder 2021-6-27 23:15:38 應該share condo 獨立廁所最平
疏影 2021-6-27 23:16:40 此回覆已被刪除


SnowRabbit 2021-6-27 23:19:04 呢啲通常幾貴下 around 1200cad near UToronto campus. U can go to the fb group uOf T off campus housing .
CNTower 2021-6-27 23:19:06 My cousin went to HK Wah Yan. He got 6A and 3 B on HK certification exam. Then went to U of T Erindale Campus. He got 4.00 GPA in year one and year two. He was one of the 7 students from Erindale campus that was admitted to U of T medical school in the year. He picked Neurosurgery after general medical school. His wife was a pharmacist from U of T too.
He worked as a janitor at a department store for 2 summers.
What else do you want to know?
CNTower 2021-6-27 23:20:20 Tough to be a landlord in Ontario
P.S. I used to be a real estate salesman
關老二大意失賓周 2021-6-27 23:20:52 Basement 但無窗 見唔到陽光 同好似對健康有影響 (氣體問題)

Apartment 同condo 係一樣野 前係公司管理 後係私人業主