CNTower 2021-6-27 22:34:50 Rent a room -not condo.

Rent a room- under $1,000- make sure you can cook there

Public transit- monthly pass $156

最低工資 $14.25 x 40 hours a week = $570 x 52 weeks =$29,640. Tax about $4,149 (ignoring all deductions and credits) Net is about $25,291 or $2,107 per month.
Under $1000 for rent, $156 for 公共交通 that leaves about $950 for food and other stuff.
You can find something under $1,000.
I think it is possible.


k00kder 2021-6-27 22:36:40 你個TFSA答案: 6000 + 12000

住condo幾時都係就算你無mortgage唔開飯都座底 2000CAD 個月。
零號機 2021-6-27 22:38:58 pls dun stop. ur info is really helpful to all of us who hv no or little knowledge or experience in Canada.

CNTower 2021-6-27 22:39:46 What do you mean by share hse?

獨立廁所 and kitchen too?
美股交液完 2021-6-27 22:41:18 UT 好唔好讀 master 難唔難報
k00kder 2021-6-27 22:41:27 agent 收業主一個月租金,你話呢?

大業主(corporate 或者幾個物業揸手業主有其他正職)就用agent
好頭痛 2021-6-27 22:42:28 啱呀 加拿大啲 license 出名麻煩
當然唔一定要fulfil 全部學徒要求,因為有 challenge exam,即係技藝考試
不過我喺網上只係搵到 red seal 嘅要求,見到要學一堆嘢,但係冇講過要由正常 apprenticeship 過程嚟學
ontario 都一向有 skilled trades pnp, 應該有辦法 chok 到個牌嘅
月供VOO發達 2021-6-27 22:43:33 同行
k00kder 2021-6-27 22:43:36 無credit history lease會貴/難 啲?
無知的人 2021-6-27 22:44:02 此回覆已被刪除
傍觀 2021-6-27 22:45:51 2nd bachelor degree,但係BSc in computer science, 或者Diploma in Computer Science?


呂大俠 2021-6-27 22:47:39 低能仔
k00kder 2021-6-27 22:49:49 咩都有價講。



apartment building 啲租幾錢係有政府登記,收多咗佢都好麻煩。

膝頭哥食辣椒醬 2021-6-27 22:51:10 你都收一收皮先
k00kder 2021-6-27 22:51:21 ontario無牌點做律師?
CNTower 2021-6-27 22:52:30 I am a retired CPA, Chartered accountant, Ontario and CPA New York.
I went through the process to become a CA in Ontario 40 years ago.

I think you can do the same.


同埋都睇緊有冇post grad course岩,有local education background應該會易啲搵返accounting既工?
You can contact CPA Ontario and see if they have any suggestions.
You may have to take some courses but getting an Ontario CPA should be most important.

I was a by-law student 40 years ago.
I had to do three courses back then. Business Law, Taxation and CICA Hand Book. I remember CPA Ontario offered courses in Business Law and I had to take a taxation course at U of T. CICA Handbook is self study. But I bought a quick summary and study that.
However, I am not sure the current policies.
維尼(小學畢業) 2021-6-27 22:53:32
疏影 2021-6-27 22:54:17 此回覆已被刪除
k00kder 2021-6-27 22:55:12 Osgoode hall law school 排名頂呱呱


維尼(小學畢業) 2021-6-27 22:55:48
疏影 2021-6-27 22:56:06 此回覆已被刪除


維尼(小學畢業) 2021-6-27 22:56:15
拜登(坐緊監) 2021-6-27 22:56:31 我3張尾,英文一般,做 data,會唔會難搵工?自問如果喺香港工作上冇問題,但因為想小朋友將來好 d 先想移
維尼(小學畢業) 2021-6-27 22:57:15
維尼(小學畢業) 2021-6-27 22:57:29