CNTower 2021-6-26 23:40:07 Scarborough is OK too


CNTower 2021-6-26 23:41:20 McDonald la. You can get some experience by working at McDonalds in HK.
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:42:02 租house既話 冬天應該要自己剷雪- are you going to rent the whole house?
山區兒童 2021-6-26 23:43:38 可以透過咩途徑搵工?
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:44:02 US experience is better than HK experience.
I am a CPA from New York and I was able to get a job in one of the largest CA firm in Toronto back then.
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:45:14 Do you speak Japanese?
自由閪(CUP蛇派) 2021-6-26 23:46:16 15000CAD係咩program
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:46:20 Welcome. U of T downtown campus?
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:47:36 Welcome to Greater Toronto.
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:49:09 I had $30 in my pocket when I came here 47 years ago.
我愛老母 2021-6-26 23:49:49


CNTower 2021-6-26 23:50:32 Building information modeling ?
Please don't use short form when asking a question.
名稱不存在 2021-6-26 23:51:48 已經google過,多謝哂
但我皮膚比較敏感 (亦都係我移民既其中一個主因) 比較想知住邊度個濕度會比較舒服
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:53:10 Buy a GPS.
I have 44 years driving experience and had been involved in a few accidents. Luckily I have not hit any person yet (knock on wood)
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:54:08 https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=cheapest+college+for+international+students+in+canada&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:57:05 Referral letter can be exempted if you have left U for sometimes.
Email admission tell them your problem and request exemption.
Personally, I think Letter of reference is useless and waste of time.
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:58:11 https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=career+prospect+for+chinese+english+interpretaion+in+Toront&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

Not good
魯生 2021-6-26 23:58:50 想問 [master無coop] vs [college pgdip有coop]

另外有課程係optional coop

CNTower 2021-6-26 23:58:58 USA is different from Canada.
CNTower 2021-6-27 00:00:40 I want to remind everyone that immigration policies can change anytime.
There may be a general election in Canada and the new government may make modification to the current policies.
CNTower 2021-6-27 00:02:27 I speak Japanese too and I don't see many jobs that require Japanese.
諗住黎到落手落腳做泥水野? what do you mean? Are you planning to sale cement or contruction?


辣椒釀龜頭 2021-6-27 00:02:44 唔識
小鱷 2021-6-27 00:04:58 應該係每個term 15000, 我睇management analytics
CNTower 2021-6-27 00:05:37 想開餐廳仔/小食店- hard to make a living
物價大約幾錢/ what are you talking about? please be more specific.
外地人買樓嘅程序大約係點- are you talking about non-resident buying real estate in Canada?
自由閪(CUP蛇派) 2021-6-27 00:06:37 15000local fee,international fee要 25000