CNTower 2021-6-26 23:06:14 https://www.google.com/search?q=after+class+for+children+in+toronto&client=opera&hs=Hts&sxsrf=ALeKk0108OokJTCI2FxOthQHE_09xG9RaQ%3A1624719930295&ei=OkLXYObEEce1tAb3tIyQDw&oq=after+class+for+children+in+toronto&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAw6BwgAEEcQsANKBAhBGABQxW1Y1XRg7rEBaAFwAngAgAFfiAGMApIBATOYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6yAEIwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjmybeyybXxAhXHGs0KHXcaA_IQ4dUDCA0


CNTower 2021-6-26 23:07:35 CPA/CFA ?
Is CPA an accounting designation?
P.S. I am a retired CPA, CA in Ontario and CPA from New York
Visvim 2021-6-26 23:08:15 BC唔熟 多數都係aim ubc sauder喇
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:12:31 My daughter is a lawyer and i know a thing or two about legal jobs in Canada.

You have to go through the NCA process.
I suggest you post your questions on the following websites.



CNTower 2021-6-26 23:14:33 What type of Farming job?
又肥又灣 2021-6-26 23:14:34 我初頭同你諗既一樣以為Markham冇工作機會

例如AMD,IBM, Aviva加拿大總部係設Markham,
TD 大部分Operations重有GE/GM都係Markham
除左大企業我都見過有d Tech Startup 都係Markham開公司
香滑 2021-6-26 23:16:35 稅前52000 cad人工其實係咪唔夠生活

一丁友 有車牌 唔介意住遠啲
上網搵租金大概1500 per month

CNTower 2021-6-26 23:16:54 https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=where+can+I+do+running+in+winter+in+toronto&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

I won't do that. Don't want to freeze my lungs
小鱷 2021-6-26 23:17:06 Master CAD15000 有找,好似幾抵
好頭痛 2021-6-26 23:20:19
瑪法達的世界 2021-6-26 23:22:21 此回覆已被刪除


名稱不存在 2021-6-26 23:22:54 Applicants who fulfill these requirements can obtain a G1 licence. The applicant may take their G1 exit test with 12 months of combined Ontario and foreign experience.
Applicants are required to provide adequate proof of foreign-licensed driving experience. However, the ministry may accept an applicant’s declaration of their foreign-licensed driving experience for up to 12 months.
For more than 12 months’ experience, applicants must provide an authenticated letter from their embassy/ consulate or licencing agency in English or French. A full 24 months of Ontario and foreign experience is required prior to attempting their G2 exit test.
Only experience within the past three years may be credited.
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:23:46 There are vacation days.

I used to have 30 days (6 weeks) vacation each year.
天竺鼠推車車 2021-6-26 23:24:43 此回覆已被刪除
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:24:47 UT, Ryerson and York are all accessible by public transit.
天竺鼠推車車 2021-6-26 23:25:10 此回覆已被刪除
關老二大意失賓周 2021-6-26 23:25:53 讀埋佢 仲多年繼續儲錢

下年開到關就去炸薯條拎pr 再睇下搵唔搵到正常工/教返書

唔得就用儲到既錢課金轉行 local fee 平好多
關老二大意失賓周 2021-6-26 23:27:27 Rentals kijiji rentfaster 好多

你揀apartment 就有
一日食十二粒蕃茄 2021-6-26 23:30:05 可唔可以講吓多倫多有咩認受性高嘅college 依家u grad 去過去倒讀diploma 轉行
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:30:29 Your question is too general.
One hour driving can be very far- 50 Km to 80 KM.

Watch out, some are really out of town but posted in Toronto



Mapquest.com to help you figure out the distance
關老二大意失賓周 2021-6-26 23:31:11 Ontario college app


究竟做乜好 2021-6-26 23:33:28 工程行業去到當地易唔易搵野做
Hodorrrrr 2021-6-26 23:36:44 首先好多謝樓主咁俾心機答!好詳細!
至於我就係讀緊英文教育,下年grad,都知過嚟教係冇乜可能。。。不過睇queens 見到哩個program又好似幾好,又平又有placement



本身有好多屋企人係加拿大,toronto, kingston 都有,佢地又可以點幫我?
CNTower 2021-6-26 23:39:11 My friend came to Canada on vacation. I drove him around and he said he wanted to try driving here. I let him drive and he almost crashed my car. He made a turn and drove on the wrong side of the road.


If you live in Ontario, you must be at least 16 years old and have a valid Ontario driver’s licence to drive in this province.

If you are a visitor to Ontario and want to drive while you are here, you must be at least 16 years old and have a valid driver’s licence from your own province, state or country. If you are from another country and visiting Ontario for more than three months, you need an International Driver’s Permit from your own country. If you are taking up residence, you must get an Ontario driver’s licence.

If you are a new resident in Ontario and have a valid driver’s licence from another province, state or country, you can use it for 60 days after you move to Ontario. If you become a resident of Ontario, you must get an Ontario driver’s licence. Ontario has licence exchange agreements with every Canadian province and territory (including Canadian Forces Europe). Also with Australia, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Isle of Man, Japan, Northern Ireland, Korea, Switzerland and the United States.

不經北角 2021-6-26 23:39:48 想問一下如果香港做開社福界,多倫多當地嘅工作機會係點呢?謝巴打