LIHKG [網球] 法國網球公開賽 2021 (6)
西内まりや 2021-6-14 20:17:41 此回覆已被刪除


運動廢青 2021-6-14 20:19:21 就開波
西内まりや 2021-6-14 20:20:32 此回覆已被刪除
讓我決定我的快樂 2021-6-14 20:25:28
sup69 2021-6-14 20:27:06 好撚嬲喎

sup69 2021-6-14 20:29:13 老屎忽論
ppucco(鐵三玖) 2021-6-14 20:36:34 點解祖迷又嘈
VamosRAFA 2021-6-14 20:37:35 其實念經/鳩叫 甚至掉拍 問題都唔係好大
你話要減壓 只要唔搞到人 我話知你打丁啦
但係如果話老子心情唔好就可以拆場 兇ballboy咁又....
(US open呢下我唔覺佢係有心瞄人 不過都係幾無謂)
ppucco(鐵三玖) 2021-6-14 20:39:36 一路都話小動作造少D會更好
UproTsla 2021-6-14 20:49:32 黎緊溫網 應該都係big 3 爭,new gen 根本太少grass 經驗

uso 就似 nadal djo 梅總
五蚊遊俠 2021-6-14 21:05:56 無人睇Halle??


VamosRAFA 2021-6-14 21:06:57 其實好多人都會欣賞老祖實力 mental fortress真係好癲
去講觀眾係咪偏心呢D 其實都好無謂
it's always part of the sport
之前MMA條支婆輸又瀨Florida crowd係咁boo佢 話想中立場打
人地唔撐你 可以好多理由 理由亦可以好無謂
好似MMA咁 基本上你唔係美國地頭蟲 外國拳手就會被boo

上面巴打話齋 去到支國打老祖迷咪又多返 又到佢威返囉
頂唔順pressure咪quit囉 好似osaka咁 (而老祖係頂得順有突)

如上 老祖勁就梗
as a player? as a person?
as a player 實力絕對top
as a person.....我自己就不了 (唔撐又唔洗話咒人死呢D嘅)
as a player 其實可以再睇埋你想一個點嘅人去代表 / 推廣呢個運動

係咪羊呢D又仲無謂 要講起碼都3個退嘥休再算
& 紀錄係用嚟破的
我男神GSP summarize得最好

After I retired and time passed by, I realized that every sport is promoted in a way that it’s about what’s next. It’s not what happened before, it’s about what’s next. And I truly believe that the fighters of today are better than the fighters of yesterday, and the fighters of tomorrow will be better than the ones of today.

And if you don’t believe me, just look at the 100 meter dash. Every few years, the record gets broken. Usain Bolt was great, but one day there will come a guy who will beat his record in the 100 meter and mixed martial arts is no different.”
福永祐一 2021-6-14 21:18:03
回憶小子 2021-6-14 21:30:02 佢地覺得自己支持某人係尊貴D, 品味高d
李維連奴 2021-6-14 22:08:34 cc 有打呀爸同種族歧視前科,唔知點解冇人反
李維連奴 2021-6-14 22:13:17 我睇返成個post本身都冇乜嘢,係祖贏咗/就贏嗰時,開始有幾個唔係祖嘅fans喺度單單打打,之後慢慢咁。
王敏奕 2021-6-14 22:14:20 最衰無男子500master係香港搞
ppucco(鐵三玖) 2021-6-14 22:17:40 咁你寸返佢地lor,最難拎既GS入袋,年度全滿可期
肝膠所 2021-6-14 22:23:30 我係Roger 死忠但同時又鍾意睇Nole 嘅比賽,如果Nole 唔係對Roger 我都一定會支持Nole
ppucco(鐵三玖) 2021-6-14 22:34:41 哈雷都打成咁,仲話要Wim奪冠
ppucco(鐵三玖) 2021-6-14 22:37:51 咁既態等QF俾梅總掃


肝膠所 2021-6-14 22:41:04 有睇老野場波,喺度妹下妹下
屠死尺 2021-6-14 22:53:25 仲話國際大都會
Federer21 2021-6-14 23:16:26 此回覆已被刪除
西内まりや 2021-6-15 00:11:59 此回覆已被刪除