有冇人下年去加拿大讀humber college?
好頭痛 2021-7-23 11:03:21


潮州打撚 2021-7-23 11:08:18
好頭痛 2021-7-23 11:10:34
CNTower 2021-7-23 11:32:22 Welcome and wish you luck.
如果你是陳奕迅 2021-7-23 13:14:26 有2個campus 你講緊邊個
挪威的樹皮 2021-7-23 14:07:22 north
CNTower 2021-7-23 20:54:35 Etobicoke north
Hwy 27 / Finch Ave. West ?
72739496 2021-7-24 03:13:23 之前問過 佢話要英語國家

If you have two years or more as a full-time student at a secondary school level or full-time education at an accredited college or university in English speaking country, please submit an official letter from your school stating that the instruction and evaluation at your school was in English.
JJ.Abraham 2021-7-24 03:46:27
維尼蜜糖罐 2021-7-24 12:41:49 咁係香港讀大學係咪即係可以?
巨乳陳自瑤 2021-7-24 12:46:04 個個都走去讀ece


72739496 2021-7-24 13:46:35 香港點會係
CNTower 2021-7-24 19:51:10 I don't see why not?
email them directly.
CNTower 2021-7-24 19:57:36 https://www.gov.hk/en/about/abouthk/facts.htm

LanguageChinese and English are the official languages of Hong Kong. English is widely used in the Government and by the legal, professional and business sectors. Trilingual professionals who speak English, Cantonese and Putonghua play a vital role in the numerous enterprises trading in Hong Kong or doing business with mainland China and Taiwan.


Teaching and learning
Most undergraduate courses are 4-year degrees while the medical and nursing programmes require two and one more year(s) of studies respectively. English is the main medium of instruction, and the University's Senate has endorsed English as the campus lingua franca. Starting from 2012, local students are required to take Academic English courses and Chinese language enhancement courses; however, students who are native-speakers of languages other than Chinese, and students who have not studied Chinese language in their secondary curriculum can be exempted from the Chinese course requirement.[65] Cantonese credit-courses for Mainland Chinese and Taiwan students, and ab initio Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese credit-courses for international and exchange students are offered by the Chinese Language Centre, School of Chinese.
72739496 2021-7-25 12:18:23 但primary language 唔同official language
山寨子~ 2021-7-27 13:43:42 想問大家知唔知道
我有個9月humber offer
但而家要求轉科轉去Winter 2022 program

咁樣仲可唔可以用原本批左嘅study permit入境呀?
CNTower 2021-7-28 08:14:40 https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/study-permits/assessing-conditions.html#deferred

E. Deferred enrollment
In exceptional circumstances, a student may be required to defer their program’s start date to the next semester. If the student defers their program start date, it should be formally approved by the DLI. In some cases, the deferral is imposed by the DLI.

If the study permit holder is in Canada at the time of deferral, and they wish to remain in Canada, they must begin their studies the following semester or within 150 days from the date the deferred enrollment is confirmed, whichever comes first. Otherwise, they should do either of the following:

change their status (that is, change to visitor status or worker status)
leave Canada
Note: In all deferral cases, students should obtain an updated letter of acceptance from the DLI.
天天天晴天 2021-7-31 09:19:44 Bachelor 同diploma 係咪要相關先得?先行到stream a
大吉利是 2021-8-31 22:25:43 想行stream a 搵post grad讀
21歲想轉行做IT狗 2022-2-15 14:55:49 巴打最後有沒讀?
傻閪Simpson 2022-4-1 03:30:37 巴打你最終有冇收到呢個offer?



帝力林德曼 2022-4-1 23:39:33 經過上次罷工(未成)之後我真心覺得Seneca管理層特別仆街,而我呢度啲老師其實又真係唔係個個都盡責。

帝力林德曼 2022-4-1 23:41:50 humber web dev 寫得好概括,我估實有js, angular, json, 唔知?有冇database?
web位聽講就都多嘅,畢竟front end,不過唔少想入行嘅都未必好旨在,唔係個個end up中意做/認為好搵
浪曼笛卡兒 2022-12-31 20:53:29
Daniel_James 2023-2-2 20:51:08 同問