有冇人下年去加拿大讀humber college?
十把刀 2021-6-21 08:57:02


不想放手 2021-6-21 09:07:21
1. 2021-6-21 09:09:05 讀2年diploma 咪算
追風箏的男孩子 2021-6-21 12:46:52
popodllm 2021-6-21 15:09:31 我都想有個gp傾下
則田唔帶帽 2021-6-21 15:51:51
popodllm 2021-6-21 17:34:06 我打算考duolingo
追風箏的男孩子 2021-6-21 17:34:35
追風箏的男孩子 2021-6-21 17:35:39
popodllm 2021-6-21 17:36:35 duolingo易啲
處之泰妍 2021-6-21 17:44:45


eelonmuskk 2021-6-21 18:05:09
popodllm 2021-6-21 18:19:09 可唔可以講下流程 出題形式
足下的戀人 2021-6-21 18:49:45 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCgyi5G7VHcn6zKXo_LTwFg
足下的戀人 2021-6-21 20:36:56 How often can I take the Duolingo English Test?
Once you complete and submit a test, you will need to wait for your results before taking a new test.

You may receive certified results for up to two tests in a 30-day period, which starts on the completion date of your first certified test. If you complete a test and your results are not certified, it will not count against this limit.

足下的戀人 2021-6-21 20:39:45 睇官網
睇teacher luke youtube
eelonmuskk 2021-6-21 20:41:49 純粹問下都要咁?

popodllm 2021-6-21 20:43:47 食火藥來?唔想應就唔好浪費時間覆啦
足下的戀人 2021-6-21 20:48:27 咪應咗你囉
Send埋teacher luke條link俾你啦
popodllm 2021-6-21 20:53:21 係呀唔該你send出來呀 我睇完啦 之後都冇再問啦 仲要comment話人?
足下的戀人 2021-6-21 21:06:46 乜你唔係又開咗個post問?


popodllm 2021-6-21 21:09:27 姐係問比問其他既
popodllm 2021-6-21 21:09:42 唔*
潮州打撚 2021-6-21 21:22:46 條友念珠菌復發掛 體諒下算啦
eelonmuskk 2021-6-21 21:23:28 香港變到咁都仲咁柒串