香港新片資訊交流 / 戲院會員優惠全攻略 #19
半人間 2021-9-1 13:19:41 此回覆已被刪除


馬德鐘 2021-9-1 14:28:06
真金珍妮 2021-9-1 16:48:03 聖慾張海報露點都得
文化節拍 2021-9-1 17:14:22 亦都成為有兩個舊digital imax既院線
文化節拍 2021-9-1 17:15:20 BC fb之前咪話有張潔淨版for出街用
文化節拍 2021-9-1 17:15:53
文化節拍 2021-9-2 02:47:21 Top Gun又延半年

“Top Gun: Maverick” will now open on May 27, 2022 instead of Nov. 19, 2021, while “Mission: Impossible 7” has been moved from May 27 to Sept. 7. As part of the studio’s announcement, “Jackass Forever” has been pushed back from Oct. 22, 2021 to Feb. 4, 2022.
文化節拍 2021-9-2 02:52:26 另外華納係亞洲區都會開始實行戲院45日空窗期
之後會先上HBO Go

WarnerMedia has announced that Warner Bros titles will be streamed on HBO Go in Asia as soon as 45 days after their theatrical premiere in Asian markets, including Southeast Asia, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

The first films to stream on HBO Go within this shortened window include The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, which is already available in the Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and Indonesia, followed by Space Jam: A New Legacy on September 3 in Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan.

The latter film will stream from October 17 in Thailand, while a launch date for Indonesia will be confirmed shortly. In The Heights will premiere on September 16 in all markets except Vietnam.
MotherGoose 2021-9-2 04:03:52 延左6次
林君蓮華生輝 2021-9-2 07:21:12 姓游個條友我一向無咩好感,豪賢好好多
不屌UA老母了 2021-9-2 09:16:02 我要睇湯佬啊


MotherGoose 2021-9-2 09:16:38 3年無係戲院睇過佢
不屌UA老母了 2021-9-2 09:20:28 到底係睇到top gun先定係流浮山刀手出現先
特務司徒 2021-9-2 12:05:43 想問下香港有幾多間院線做到無機房放映?
憂鬱小生 2021-9-2 12:09:28 Golden Scene肯定係
MCL好似有 (海怡?)
英皇iSQUARE 3院好似都係?
不屌UA老母了 2021-9-2 12:35:35 粉嶺MCL都係
文化節拍 2021-9-2 13:09:36 重有Lumen
雀巢檸檬茶 2021-9-2 14:50:52
馬德鐘 2021-9-2 14:58:36
雀巢檸檬茶 2021-9-2 15:05:41
幽默的巴打 2021-9-2 16:07:21 英皇 中環娛樂行
長沙灣mcl 3,4院
又一城mcl 貴賓院

重有係十成九都用sony 4K投影機


馬德鐘 2021-9-2 16:53:14
雀巢檸檬茶 2021-9-2 17:42:41
不屌UA老母了 2021-9-2 18:34:43
unknownhk 2021-9-3 07:20:42 百老匯可以用贈券睇尚氣?
