[續約窗都唔撚開]利子風平浪靜等開季討論區 10
腳趾尾奶西 2021-6-13 01:24:16 鍠個de la red體測搵到心有問題都即刻退役


呢個世界失哂控 2021-6-13 01:24:30 佢訓底個下冇合眼
腳趾尾奶西 2021-6-13 01:24:37 佢仲要係自己行出球場
Xabi14 2021-6-13 01:24:53 機會都幾高,要keep住比藥吊命去醫院
腳趾尾奶西 2021-6-13 01:25:05 Touch wood講 其實心臟有問題 可能到走果刻都係張開眼

呢個世界失哂控 2021-6-13 01:25:47 一兩張相唔代表咩
國安大法好 2021-6-13 01:26:27 隻手識按住自己個頭應該醒左
道地檸檬綠茶 2021-6-13 01:27:00 .@beINSPORTS_EN reporting that Christian Eriksen is in a stable condition and is being transferred to the local hospital in Copenhagen.
腳趾尾奶西 2021-6-13 01:27:16 所以前排做body check 佢話我心電圖異常 其實我好驚
StevieG 2021-6-13 01:27:53 係 而家都係等消息同集氣
地獄黑仔王 2021-6-13 01:28:30 大力臣


伽羅 2021-6-13 01:28:43 影果張相個攝影師就好似話大力神有揮手
Vapor 2021-6-13 01:28:58
易碎物 2021-6-13 01:29:18 Following the medical emergency involving Denmark's player Christian Eriksen, a crisis meeting has taken place with both teams and match officials and further information will be communicated at 19:45 CET.

The player has been transferred to the hospital and has been stabilised.
道地檸檬綠茶 2021-6-13 01:30:23
StevieG 2021-6-13 01:31:05 咁就好了
住佐敦的軒達臣 2021-6-13 01:31:38 真係最緊要人冇事
真普珠 2021-6-13 01:32:01 原來睇住live真係好驚
Vapor 2021-6-13 01:32:23
F.Aurelio 2021-6-13 01:32:33 好彩好快就叫左medical 入黎
呢個世界失哂控 2021-6-13 01:33:27 比個credit Anthony Taylor


道地檸檬綠茶 2021-6-13 01:33:41 但唔好彩係最遠嗰個位
腳趾尾奶西 2021-6-13 01:34:43 係 第一次睇live見到咁既事 我成個人震曬
沙娜 2021-6-13 01:34:53 以前打熱 好驚佢
腳趾尾奶西 2021-6-13 01:35:54