[續約窗都唔撚開]利子風平浪靜等開季討論區 10
道地檸檬綠茶 2021-6-12 22:33:56


爸爸托C 2021-6-12 22:33:56 又燈中
。。。嗨 2021-6-12 22:34:04 又燈到入波
Vapor 2021-6-12 22:34:10 爆頭頭搥有加乘
A.Lallana 2021-6-12 22:34:41 果然國際賽都係靠死球
Vapor 2021-6-12 22:35:06 我即刻屌你老母
爸爸托C 2021-6-12 22:35:08 比起祖亞倫
F.Aurelio 2021-6-12 22:35:20 又係頭鎚
Vapor 2021-6-12 22:35:22 佢d出波幾靚
的士狗狗 2021-6-12 22:35:33 此回覆已被刪除
拋家嫂 2021-6-12 22:35:46 利po咁撚多燈神


。。。嗨 2021-6-12 22:35:54 占士勁兇
LuisGarcia 2021-6-12 22:36:01 此回覆已被刪除
想食咩呀 2021-6-12 22:36:18 魔性
清水灣哂銀時 2021-6-12 22:36:50 咁想守1:0
Vapor 2021-6-12 22:37:08 威爾士呢d隊踏實玩燒味
想食咩呀 2021-6-12 22:37:14 學左廢中
Vapor 2021-6-12 22:37:49 Embolo妖人左咁多年先24歲
沙娜 2021-6-12 22:37:55 祖亞倫家下咁廢
道地檸檬綠茶 2021-6-12 22:38:01 殘仔仲有無養雞
一分十九秒 2021-6-12 22:38:38 殘仔點解無英超隊要


爸爸托C 2021-6-12 22:38:42 啲球迷全部唔戴口罩
腳趾尾奶西 2021-6-12 22:40:12 唔知殘仔啲雞有冇著褲呢
住佐敦的軒達臣 2021-6-12 22:40:35 真係咁撚勁慕遜加柏唔使歐聯出局
孽債 2021-6-12 22:41:49 NEW: Gini Wijnaldum has revealed how he originally thought he would be joining Barcelona, instead of PSG who he agreed to sign for earlier this week.

"I have to say that I also thought I would go to Barca." #awlive [liverpool echo]

Wijnaldum: “I actually negotiated with Barcelona for four weeks and we didn't get it. It was a difficult choice [but] PSG was more decisive and the project they have there really appealed to me.”