[續約窗都唔撚開]利子風平浪靜等開季討論區 10
nga_chi 2021-6-12 19:59:57 咁走去peru算



StevieG 2021-6-12 20:01:49 Neco Wilson都無
Berger_15 2021-6-12 20:04:18 𡃁仔南賣20m又好似少得滯
道地檸檬綠茶 2021-6-12 20:08:49 唔係掛 我覺得20M已經好高
易碎物 2021-6-12 20:13:37

Welcome Grealish!
廣瀨鈴 2021-6-12 20:13:52 Danny Ward + Joe Allen + ( Wilson & Neco WIlliams )
vs Shaqiri
住佐敦的軒達臣 2021-6-12 20:14:24 沙短喺國家隊原來踢10號位
宴師妹 2021-6-12 20:15:10 唔出wilson neco等輸啦
Berger_15 2021-6-12 20:15:43 因為後生+國腳+歐聯經驗+商業價值
StevieG 2021-6-12 20:19:26
粗魯操肌佬操機 2021-6-12 20:20:43 不嬲都係 大腦黎 冇佢比波前面死左一半


井伊直虎 2021-6-12 20:30:30 難忘是沙基利的導航般倒掛
Berger 2021-6-12 20:32:23 Former Wolves boss Nuno Espirito Santo is the strong favourite to be named as Everton's new manager.

The Portuguese is emerging as the preferred choice of owner Farhad Moshiri after leaving Wolves at the end of last season.

La子 2021-6-12 20:33:35
粗魯操肌佬操機 2021-6-12 20:35:13 威爾斯中場中正選出英冠仔 店唔店架
的士狗狗 2021-6-12 20:37:32 此回覆已被刪除
孽債 2021-6-12 20:39:10 南野離隊未必關佢轉會事

Takumi Minamino's withdrawal from the Japan squad was pre-agreed and not linked to a transfer. Still, his #LFC future remains unclear, as does his place in the Olympics.

This was a pre-agreed departure aimed at managing the player’s game time to ensure he gets sufficient time off ahead of possible participation in the Olympics.
元•朗拿度 2021-6-12 20:43:46 呢啲波擺9點真係唔想睇

La子 2021-6-12 20:44:27 仲用緊殘仔
StevieG 2021-6-12 20:46:26 一定要有啦
StevieG 2021-6-12 20:46:36 估唔到播呢場都唔播聽日英撚


元•朗拿度 2021-6-12 20:46:50 Danny ward好似冇踢過
黑子 2021-6-12 20:50:10 明明聽日播英撚,實打撚7 TVB
易碎物 2021-6-12 20:51:44 咁既閪賽制分組賽實難睇
La子 2021-6-12 20:52:37 殘幾歲