[續約窗都唔撚開]利子風平浪靜等開季討論區 10
孽債 2021-6-11 21:42:15 Florian Plettenberg @Plettigoal
Update #Neuhaus: #Klopp wants him, confirmed! There have already been talks in the past few days. The club want to replace #Wijnaldum. But there is no offer yet. The topic could become hot after the Euros. Price: More than €40m. No release clause. @SPORT1 #LFC


孽債 2021-6-11 21:42:43 Christian Falk @cfbayern
True ✅ There is still an interest of @lfc in Florian Neuhaus and there have been a contact. But no concrete negotiations until now
易碎物 2021-6-11 21:45:51 起碼要等到德國出局
Ki-Jana_Hoever 2021-6-11 22:06:20
呢個世界失哂控 2021-6-11 22:19:00 落雨落到失哂控
粗魯操肌佬操機 2021-6-11 22:21:06 完左上個post個陣我都搵左陣 有1/2日冇上

下次有番利物浦 3個字好d
我愛大波蓮 2021-6-11 22:23:15 仲有0030支持下國家隊
爸爸托C 2021-6-11 22:29:06 波台成版都係屌193 姜濤 試當真
陸小鳳 2021-6-11 22:32:06 有d似果陣睇基達d片
你痴線架 2021-6-11 22:45:20
元•朗拿度 2021-6-11 22:45:55 造美人po好多利子



呢個世界失哂控 2021-6-11 23:29:00 安永佳入到波+有分落袋
廣瀨鈴 2021-6-11 23:48:37 viutv 啲 post 都係
炒麵(瞓覺) 2021-6-12 00:24:27 呢個咪舊年全程跟牙膏單deal嗰個

StevieG 2021-6-12 00:27:01 準備睇國家隊跟住直落歐國盃
Blackmamba. 2021-6-12 00:48:44 錢七最後揸咗啲jdm出嚟
Virgil_van_Dijk 2021-6-12 01:28:42
迴光物語隔離 2021-6-12 02:15:21

食屎LA 2021-6-12 02:19:43 唔練腳咪成日傷Lo
GeorgeHarrison 2021-6-12 02:37:02 Po完張相應該就傷咗
A.Lallana 2021-6-12 02:59:16 原來卡巴喺土耳其都唔係正選


爸爸托C 2021-6-12 03:04:44 點解個跑步機咁殘咁大塵
GeorgeHarrison 2021-6-12 03:07:27 仲以為佢拍蘇恩祖
GeorgeHarrison 2021-6-12 03:07:48 黑人鄉下地方係咁
的士狗狗 2021-6-12 03:08:04 此回覆已被刪除