LIHKG 點解HKU香港大學啲英文都可以咁柒
北方的山有北角 2021-5-28 14:39:36


哦_ 2021-5-28 14:46:31 You take my umbrella, your spring pocket will be barbecued.
降蓉十八掌 2021-5-28 17:15:51 XGU
文斯莫克.山治 2021-5-28 17:24:55 Please don’t take away others’ J.
Petrichor 2021-5-28 17:29:23 Please taking home an umbrella only yours
你倫敦我紐約 2021-5-28 17:34:58 Please take your umbrella by bus
平凡又不起眼 2021-5-28 17:38:23 If no ur umbrellaaaaaaa, no take
638422762 2021-5-28 17:38:27
DicNat 2021-5-28 17:40:27 no umbrella no take
屌你無圖 2021-5-28 17:40:37 Suck my balls
有光在等著我 2021-5-28 17:50:49 Grab 已經有人睇唔明啦


HenryN8 2021-5-28 20:01:30 Don’t take away others umbrella

簽賬免找數 2021-5-28 20:11:46 Make sure you’re taking your own umbrella

屌屌屌屌我 2021-5-28 23:03:15 Take your umbrella only
777幾時死 2021-5-28 23:13:45 Please check whether the umbrella belongs to you before you take it away


If you pick up an umbrella, please check whether it is yours before you take it away.

敖狗(200萬戰力) 2021-5-28 23:16:28 咁累贅
九唔搭八盧海鵬 2021-5-29 00:55:57 偷遮死全家,
Don’t steal umbrella
一貧 2021-5-29 14:15:05 Take your own umbrella bitch
巴士仔 2021-5-29 15:05:30 睇咗成編,你寫得最好,簡單易明
小灰灰 2021-5-29 15:08:29 此回覆已被刪除
掃地研究生 2021-5-29 15:16:02 diu, 邊L個take my umbrella


av榮 2021-5-29 15:17:39 don't take others umbrella
納Dee轉燈 2021-5-29 15:55:21 Grammarly helps you be concise.
Indomie包裝 2021-5-30 14:35:22 Please/Kindly check before taking the umbrella.
Do not take away others' umbrellas.
Only take your umbrella.


英文同中文本質唔同,讀者嘅文化背景都唔同,英文多數比較直接,尤其是好多時英文要多個words去表達一個好簡單嘅中文phrase。請勿英文就係Do not/ no, 好少會please do not,因為Do not 嘅語氣係order。例如請勿吸煙,No smoking,而啲signs上面好少寫please do not smoke. Please多謝係用起reminder度。例如please mind the platform gap.

最重要係,標語本身就唔應該冗長,唔洗乜都畫公仔畫出腸。例如叫人唔好食煙,你唔會話請不要燃點並吸食香煙,please do not light up and smoke cigarettes。讀得個sign嘅人唔會望住佢太耐或者諗太多,所以寫出個重點,知你噏乜,直截了當就得,你寫到又冗又長只會令人TLDR。

而起呢個情況下,英文應該係check就夠,check if the umbrella is yours其實有啲當人白痴同accuse拎遮嘅人會偷遮。雖然大家都知,但無必要寫到出腸。

英文呢三句有唔同意思同語氣,視乎出標示嘅人想提醒定警戒人,formal or not. 仲有英美式嘅分別。

Kingkongkong 2021-11-19 13:53:19 Please make sure the umbrella belongs to you before taking it away.