LIHKG 點解HKU香港大學啲英文都可以咁柒
旅行安家必備良藥 2021-5-27 15:15:47 第1句幾好 簡潔傳神


華蛇 2021-5-27 15:16:02 Dont take my umbrella dickhead!
利維亞的傑佬 2021-5-27 15:16:04 其實上面巴打講得岩


take your own umbrella 也好
Check before you take
六環彩大師 2021-5-27 15:16:12 成個post 最正常呢句
i-vtec 2021-5-27 15:16:15 是但啦, 睇得明就得啦
夏天下的雪人 2021-5-27 15:16:19 屌你認真嫁?
惠惠OvO 2021-5-27 15:16:19 don't take the wrong umbrella ar!
阿爾法狗 2021-5-27 15:16:28 後面個啲有浸毅進仔味
MAGA 2021-5-27 15:16:53 點樣要咁撚惡?
依個情況係friendly reminder.
萬豬 2021-5-27 15:16:58 精簡
願人生若只如初見 2021-5-27 15:17:15 無謂嘅重覆、形容。簡單黎講就係言簡意賅,即係簡潔易明。


高勁修 2021-5-27 15:17:17
宥姃公主 2021-5-27 15:17:26 Please make sure that is your umbrella before taking it
外向型內向者 2021-5-27 15:18:18 please check whether the umbrella belongs to you before you take it away?
光凡達 2021-5-27 15:18:35 Please don’t take other’s umbrella away
低置區契爺 2021-5-27 15:18:40 TYOU
MAGA 2021-5-27 15:18:43 Ensure 有包含咁嘅意思
不能忘記 2021-5-27 15:18:59 你講笑咋
真星勢多 2021-5-27 15:19:00 Do not take away others' belongings.
真星勢多 2021-5-27 15:19:29 Do not take others' belongings away
風雨如晦 2021-5-27 15:19:30 Please ensure the umbrella you take belongs to you


BabyDoe 2021-5-27 15:19:45 簡而清
24人共用帳戶 2021-5-27 15:19:50 Please make sure the umbrella is yours before you take it away.
係你既先好拎走 DLLM
六環彩大師 2021-5-27 15:19:53 都係太冗長 其實係華人先咁撚避忌直屌
直接Don't steal / Please do NOT steal others' umbrella 已經好準確
眼鏡娘 2021-5-27 15:20:00 Please bring away your own umbrella only