LIHKG 點解HKU香港大學啲英文都可以咁柒
45度 2021-5-27 21:33:03 take only yours


企到咁出博乜 2021-5-27 21:35:23 此回覆已被刪除
發春夢專家 2021-5-27 21:39:19 如果唔係啲人論文點會夠幾千字
師父,救我啊! 2021-5-27 21:41:44 中文:
一萬萬一 2021-5-27 21:47:01 Precise - Take your own umbrella


Imprecise - please make sure the umbrella it’s yours before taking it away.
重治 2021-5-27 21:47:11 喺香港要埋個only
性工作細胞 2021-5-27 21:49:55 Please take your own umbrella! Thank you!
黃禮志Yeji 2021-5-27 21:51:31 咪亂拎遮啦屌
好瘦的肥仔 2021-5-27 21:51:32 Taking wrong umbrella, spring pocket will be barbecued
(SL)(UT) 2021-5-27 21:58:31 Is yours
小熊賤尼 2021-5-27 22:00:28 you leave to school by your umbrella


PhilippLahm 2021-5-27 22:02:00 個紅字真係畫龍點睛
PhilippLahm 2021-5-27 22:02:15 獻醜不如藏拙啦
僕は馬鹿か 2021-5-27 22:06:40 don't steal umbrella
FieryEjaculation 2021-5-27 22:09:00 此回覆已被刪除
核驚四喘~Ga 2021-5-27 22:10:26 Please don’t take umbrellas that don’t belong to you.
核驚四喘~Ga 2021-5-27 22:11:03 Precise and concise 👍🏻
僕は馬鹿か 2021-5-27 22:11:46 不如就剩返son of the bitch
雪隼 2021-5-27 22:11:49 此回覆已被刪除
岸居隱士 2021-5-27 22:13:11 Check before leave
僕は馬鹿か 2021-5-27 22:13:19 請在取傘前先檢查一下是否屬於你です


精神病人 2021-5-27 22:13:36 fuck you
僕は馬鹿か 2021-5-27 22:22:15 fuck your mon poor man umbrella still steal?
生化武器 2021-5-27 22:23:02 Pin
僕は馬鹿か 2021-5-27 22:24:39 touch