LIHKG 點解HKU香港大學啲英文都可以咁柒
IU我嘅 2021-5-27 17:59:14 Take umbrella you own.


女嚼安 2021-5-27 18:02:25 此回覆已被刪除
2001太空漫遊 2021-5-27 18:04:11 吐痰請往窗外
ming6628 2021-5-27 18:04:23 What’s Up Man! Check this out! Negra
天空藍男 2021-5-27 18:06:25 Double check before taking your OWN umbrella.
假髮佬 2021-5-27 18:07:24 冗長
Reminder 應該簡潔
Please take your “own” umbrella
其實夠皮 達意就得
Native 唔會同你咬文嚼字 咩語境
咩英文差 先寫得咁簡單blah blah blah
填鴨教育英文 搞到你地諗得太多
Native 問番你 你講嘜柒?
動態 2021-5-27 18:08:48 此回覆已被刪除
比屋定真帆 2021-5-27 18:09:51 Fuck you!
你講撚夠未? 2021-5-27 18:10:00 this is 10/10
你講撚夠未? 2021-5-27 18:11:00 5** example
朱古力波呀劏房波 2021-5-27 18:11:27 此回覆已被刪除


六環彩大師 2021-5-27 18:12:23 因為告示係用imperative
比我做黃墓猿啦 2021-5-27 18:14:12 你啱
反正我很閒 2021-5-27 18:14:32 想睇吓話成個po冇乜幾個係正常英文嗰啲人會寫乜
脫苦海 2021-5-27 18:15:19 Just take your umbrella
Ilovemirror 2021-5-27 18:16:02 此回覆已被刪除
涼茶偉 2021-5-27 18:16:17
渣股易 2021-5-27 18:17:01 Please make sure that it is your umbrella before you take it away?
新垣結衣係我老婆 2021-5-27 18:17:29 樓豬就係嗰種無料又要笑鳩人英文差嘅人

半山窮撚 2021-5-27 18:19:09 Don’t take others umbrella la diu
我係巴巴打 2021-5-27 18:30:15 此回覆已被刪除


股壇韭菜哥 2021-5-27 18:30:25 Please check whether the umbrella belongs to you before you leave
葛碩士 2021-5-27 18:33:11 Do not appropriate umbrella belonging to another
盛田屋 2021-5-27 18:33:30 Don’t be beggar
Take your umbrella
麵字福 2021-5-27 18:35:07 Hey fool, please check ur umbrella before u leave.