問下先 我見本real analysis書有construct fields of real number from rational numbers
咁construct fields of rational numbers from integers唔係都應該係同一個idea? :^(
Dedekind cut?
Real number係靠整個partition符合well ordering principle,archimedean property. :^(
btw CS construct integer個方法都幾得意,{},{{}},{{{}}}... :^(
完全唔同,construct rational number簡單好多
問下先 我見本real analysis書有construct fields of real number from rational numbers
咁construct fields of rational numbers from integers唔係都應該係同一個idea? :^(
Dedekind cut?
Real number係靠整個partition符合well ordering principle,archimedean property. :^(
btw CS construct integer個方法都幾得意,{},{{}},{{{}}}... :^(
完全唔同,construct rational number簡單好多
:^( :^(
可唔可以講埋點解 :^( :^(
問下先 我見本real analysis書有construct fields of real number from rational numbers
咁construct fields of rational numbers from integers唔係都應該係同一個idea? :^(
Dedekind cut?
Real number係靠整個partition符合well ordering principle,archimedean property. :^(
btw CS construct integer個方法都幾得意,{},{{}},{{{}}}... :^(
完全唔同,construct rational number簡單好多
:^( :^(
可唔可以講埋點解 :^( :^(
都係自己google下好d :^( :^( :^(
問下先 我見本real analysis書有construct fields of real number from rational numbers
咁construct fields of rational numbers from integers唔係都應該係同一個idea? :^(
Dedekind cut?
Real number係靠整個partition符合well ordering principle,archimedean property. :^(
btw CS construct integer個方法都幾得意,{},{{}},{{{}}}... :^(
完全唔同,construct rational number簡單好多
:^( :^(
可唔可以講埋點解 :^( :^(
都係自己google下好d :^( :^( :^(
以為你話construct real number簡單好多 :^(
Rational number straight forward to define
Real number is not
Dedekind cut?
Real number係靠整個partition符合well ordering principle,archimedean property. :^(
btw CS construct integer個方法都幾得意,{},{{}},{{{}}}... :^(
完全唔同,construct rational number簡單好多
:^( :^(
可唔可以講埋點解 :^( :^(
都係自己google下好d :^( :^( :^(
以為你話construct real number簡單好多 :^(
Rational number straight forward to define
Real number is not
點解而家先黎睇real analysis :^(
呢度個個都咁勁搭唔到咀 得個睇字