[露營師] 第23個Post 睇晒#1 無痕山林同頭一頁 屙完屎記得拎走埋D廁紙
心彷彿早已離地 2021-7-1 20:15:35


清水健康料理 2021-7-1 20:23:54
心彷彿早已離地 2021-7-1 21:02:09
清水健康料理 2021-7-1 21:07:51
菊田二澄 2021-7-1 21:21:38 呢隻咩型號
清水健康料理 2021-7-1 21:30:49 lg khufu dcf-b
華洋黑白一律照殺 2021-7-3 01:47:32 有冇ching 用過 nemo dagger porch 2p/3p?
皇家麻甩佬 2021-7-3 16:36:34 好奇用左依隻營重洗唔洗帶天幕
H. 2021-7-3 22:31:32 要 天幕通風好多同埋有銀底
gnuehcwc 2021-7-4 18:14:12 試吓隻營

聞西西 2021-7-4 23:03:21 好似有巴打上年年尾入咗手


聞西西 2021-7-4 23:04:28 TT Notch?
清水健康料理 2021-7-5 01:38:47

見過實物 感覺唔太抗風
H. 2021-7-5 11:07:29 感覺點, 空間夠麼?
元氣木兔 2021-7-5 11:10:45 想問夏天露營會唔會好L熱
心彷彿早已離地 2021-7-5 11:11:58 睇你去邊,幾點去幾點走
gnuehcwc 2021-7-5 11:32:35 冇akto同enan咁大, 不過接受到. 係唔慣入面好光咁😅
清水健康料理 2021-7-5 12:46:57 8點前要走
唔可靠嘅預言家 2021-7-6 11:13:46 加多塊天幕,

菊田二澄 2021-7-6 14:52:57 4人金仔但2人用

DCF mid邊隻好d

HMG ultramid 4 (高d 190cm)
LG Khafra DCF-B (輕d)
點解呀? 2021-7-6 14:58:00 夜入早走其實唔會 10點打後5點之前都比較熱


李星 2021-7-6 18:29:33 可以上reddit睇下 都幾多人問依個問題
5大數球 2021-7-6 21:55:18 LG 輕d 隻色靚d
H. 2021-7-7 09:16:11 DCF唔係想像中咁美好, 唔好神化佐佢, 最主要佢係無彈性同埋non rip-stop.Pack埋都好大舊下, 仲有風打落下比較嘈同埋真係好透光。
李星 2021-7-7 13:30:41 From Dan Durston

The two main reasons for opting for DCF over silnylon are (1) much lighter and (2) no sag.
The good reasons for opting for silnylon are price, durability and packed size.

DCF isn't going to last longer than silnylon. Yes it's very strong but it's also not very abrasion resistant nor good at repeated packing/stuffing. At best you'd get an equal lifespan but my money is on silnylon to last about 2x as long. Also both materials are typically plenty waterproof (some low quality silnylon exists, but any good company is using good stuff these days) so I wouldn't worry about this.

The sag of silnylon is a notable con but how much of a problem this is depends on the material (some nylon expands more than other nylon when wet), the tent design (larger panels show this more) and how easily you can adjust the tension. For a simple one pole pyramid, the panels are large so sag is noticeable but if you are using an adjustable trekking pole where you can easily reach out and extend the pole a couple inches then the sag isn't a big deal. It's more of a problem in a tent with multiple poles where you'd have to get out of the tent to adjust them, or if you're using a non-adjustable hiking poles.

If all you care about is avoiding sag, then you would be well served with silpoly which largely eliminates that. So really the only good reason to opt for DCF specifically - and it is a very good reason - is that 0.5oz DCF is much lighter than anything else.

HMG隻湖水綠DCF係幾靚 不過貴太多