【Thank you David Luiz】阿仙奴20-21球迷吹水區 MDCXXXIII
收嗲OK? 2021-5-18 21:12:12 連女子隊都大清洗


Bellerin的錯 2021-5-18 21:14:10 唔通未供完樓唔可以賣樓咩
Penny_Oleksiak 2021-5-18 21:14:26 都係之前講嗰4個啫,除非新領隊有其他諗法
黃禮志Yeji 2021-5-18 21:17:03 新icon
華氏451 2021-5-18 21:17:22 咁可能佢講事實姐
加乙 2021-5-18 21:18:20 證明其實佢都冇乜好留戀

羅賓雲佩斯 2021-5-18 21:20:12 蛆要賣佢
KOPPY 2021-5-18 21:21:15


我覺得阿迪達d 戰術又唔真係太差
加乙 2021-5-18 21:25:02 我係佢就不如返羅馬踢走pau lopez
收嗲OK? 2021-5-18 21:25:54 但佢啲調動好差 換人都有時差
歐霸第2戰羊有機入波 換
成隊波落後緊需要變嘅時候佢拖75分鐘先換人 變
KOPPY 2021-5-18 21:26:25 阿狗以家太多睇落有潛力,介唔中又一兩場好波既人


死老嘢 2021-5-18 21:34:10 中游隊玩幼齒好正常
BTC100k 2021-5-18 21:34:28 但個龍係阿迪達賣俾人
收嗲OK? 2021-5-18 21:35:28 Saka esr 牙爆 牙c 板藍根 宣明會 巴丁
Penny_Oleksiak 2021-5-18 21:40:57
Tierney(已傷) 2021-5-18 21:40:58 你幾歲
Tierney(已傷) 2021-5-18 21:42:17 佢係屌個龍門教練姐
咁事實係條友的確廢 阿狗幾代龍都笑佢
基本法二十二條 2021-5-18 21:52:34 Martin Odegaard about his future to SkyDE: “I am happy here at Arsenal, we will see after the season what will happen. I’m owned by Real Madrid, so we have to speak to them. It’s important to understand what they want...”. ⚪️🔴 #AFC #Real @sky_maxb
基本法二十二條 2021-5-18 21:52:44 OFFICIAL: Arsenal have confirmed that David Luiz will leave the club at the end of the season. (Source: @Arsenal) https://t.co/jWLWLXPi73
基本法二十二條 2021-5-18 21:53:36 Although #AFC have suggested they made the decision to end David Luiz's involvement with the club, sources close to Luiz have told ESPN he in fact chose to walk away. [@JamesOlley]
基本法二十二條 2021-5-18 21:54:24 Arteta on the #AFC board: ‘I think if I've been something, it's honest. Probably once I was too honest. So if I cannot see something or I have doubts, I will say it. Now I have no doubts.’ [https://t.co/cEAo5wkUKS]

Arteta: It's so clear and it's a very clear statement from the ownership, very clear direction from the ownership, very clear direction with what we want to do. There's zero question marks there.


攝衫的T仔 2021-5-18 21:54:35
基本法二十二條 2021-5-18 21:55:54 Arteta on Leno's future: "It's another one with a contract here that because of the length of his contract, a lot of things will be speculating. He has two years here & he belongs here" #Arsenal https://t.co/hvJ2IAUC5r
華氏451 2021-5-18 21:55:54
基本法二十二條 2021-5-18 21:56:21 Tomorrow night's match against Arsenal will be Roy Hodgson's last home game in charge of Crystal Palace.