LIHKG Nwe Balance 討論區 (33)
超級涼浸浸 2021-6-8 23:13:06 覺得好睇鐘意咪買lo,你買左著出街d人唔會知你係低過原價入/原價入/炒價入


眠姬大師 2021-6-8 23:16:10 End clothing買啦平啲
JoinWeaK 2021-6-8 23:18:34 係喎真係平啲,thx
$1 2021-6-8 23:19:49 想問下Kith網個對嘅size係us 定uk
猫山王 2021-6-8 23:21:43 Us
來自地球的人 2021-6-9 00:25:57 有無巴打 kith 買咗 990 收到出貨email ? 見佢 Fulfillment Status 寫住unfullilled 係咪姐係唔得了
無賴愛神 2021-6-9 00:53:23 我係咁囉

Thanks for shopping at KITH. Your order will be processed by Global-e, our global fulfillment partner as Merchant of Record. We are happy to inform you that this order is now confirmed and we will begin processing your purchase for dispatch. Questions?
鵝們都不是無辜的 2021-6-9 01:09:20 要阿
黃色老司機 2021-6-9 03:05:13 意思係未出貨
JoinWeaK 2021-6-9 07:21:30 thx
朽木難雕 2021-6-9 08:15:41 心血來潮想買對992bl


李秀滿 2021-6-9 10:02:35
咪係囉 2021-6-9 10:09:04 992eb仲靚啦
長谷川昭雄 2021-6-9 10:11:14
李秀滿 2021-6-9 10:13:24
長谷川昭雄 2021-6-9 10:16:19
chosenfew 2021-6-9 11:33:16 已shipped, 下星期到香港
九久八十一 2021-6-9 11:41:53 咁快
長谷川昭雄 2021-6-9 11:57:25
黃色老司機 2021-6-9 12:08:59
長谷川昭雄 2021-6-9 12:10:03


chosenfew 2021-6-9 12:12:48 幾年前 998 city never sleeps, 997 united arrows collabs,
其實應該都係random抽, 我見fb d鬼佬無買過野都有特選email
和田翔太 2021-6-9 14:02:32 rb 著上腳硬係差D咁

問個staff 幾時有RA 笑笑口話唔知 睇黎後門哂
最愛洗面奶 2021-6-9 15:30:32 M990v4幾時會復刻
駛撚 2021-6-9 17:02:37 又復刻? 兩年前買咗對著到依家 又停產左?