美國辣媽穿「比卡超T+熱褲」遊玩 被禁止進入樂園五年
黃家駒 2021-5-12 21:46:06 如果佢係黑人嘅話.....


蕉直相對 2021-5-12 21:46:37 短褲有咩問題?
惡靈退散 2021-5-12 21:46:37 如果主角係黑人就算成粒Lin 露出黎都會講到係捍衛女性身體
恆生銀行 2021-5-12 21:49:48 整到比卡超勁肥
清水健吾 2021-5-12 21:50:31 你唔好將華人賤種思維代入人地白人社會到極點
ck68 2021-5-12 21:50:53 女權呢 WLM
是龜也是小龜 2021-5-12 21:51:19 着住敵軍仆街mon件衫去迪士尼
萬惡窮為首 2021-5-12 21:51:40 此回覆已被刪除
戇居仔喊出黎 2021-5-12 21:53:22 講真 香港大把女條褲仲短過佢
利雲度夫個樣似我 2021-5-12 21:56:27 此回覆已被刪除
摻過翻印度 2021-5-12 21:56:59 你老母俾你老豆中出到成個閪窿都係精就dirty


摻過翻印度 2021-5-12 21:58:04 唔肥點Q
共慘黨員 2021-5-12 22:03:36 美國仲保守過大清
Rubber 2021-5-12 22:04:10 死黑鬼正戇鳩
公屋富戶割韭菜 2021-5-12 22:04:29 法官大人,我
里維·阿加曼 2021-5-12 22:06:06 封建時代咩
口爆公主 2021-5-12 22:06:25 Hot MILF
大槻響唔響 2021-5-12 22:07:51 我有講過
元朗陳豪 2021-5-12 22:09:36 伽勒爾地區既比卡超
1987 2021-5-12 22:09:43 成個樣開心哂
Bowen 2021-5-12 22:11:40 此回覆已被刪除


我偶像山本一夫 2021-5-12 22:15:39 此回覆已被刪除
羊駝君 2021-5-12 22:17:07 https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article251317393.html

In a statement to McClatchy News, Six Flags said it asks “that guests wear attire appropriate for our family-friendly environment and expect guests to behave in a family-friendly manner. Disruptive or offensive behavior or the use of profanity or abusive language or gestures will not be tolerated and may result in a guest being removed from the park.”

Breedlove used offensive language during the incident at the park, which was not shown in the video, Six Flags said.

”The guest was initially stopped because her shorts exposed a significant portion of her buttocks,” the theme park said in a statement. “She was given multiple opportunities to change or cover up, but refused. Instead, she responded with profanity and offensive conduct, including further exposing her buttocks. The guest was removed from the park after she refused to stop her unruly and offensive behavior, targeted at the police and other park guests. The video clip this guest has posted on the internet does not fully portray her behavior during this incident.”
元朗陳豪 2021-5-12 22:18:15 係極巨化既比卡超
尋飛 2021-5-12 22:22:12 初代比卡超真係咁肥