猩猩幣 (FEG)
鬆弛熊神 2021-5-13 18:50:47 擺係到搏佢之後上返市會唔會仲好d
不過我得一億粒 是撚但


活在當下享受生活 2021-5-13 18:50:50 點解咁多動物幣

呠你呀麼 2021-5-13 18:54:18 Hello FEG Token Community,

First and foremost, as a part of our Core Brand Personality, being professional and respectful are of utmost importance. FEG Token will always hold strong to the pillar of professionalism and respect for people. Even if community members and leaders must be firm about a topic, they shall consistently strive to be respectful. Every community member and investor shall feel appreciated, heard, respected, and valued.

We understand that there have been concerns recently regarding a partnership with XIPOOH. This was a potential partnership that was announced on February 9, 2021. This was when FEG Token was only nine days old. XIPOOH never delivered. The offer to partner was retracted. An Instagram post was published involving XIPOOH and was not deleted in a timely manner.

This outdated Instagram post was brought to our attention. We are working with the Social Media team to get this post deleted as soon as possible.

We understand several of you have expressed concerns and have assumed a political stance. As a result, a coordinated attack was launched towards our community. We do not take sides in the spirit of respectfulness towards all community members.

Thank you for your understanding as we work to resolve this matter. We apologize for any misunderstanding that originated from this Instagram post.

If you have any questions, please reach out to an FEG Token Admin or Mod.

Let’s continue to Feed Every Gorilla and Be the Future of DeFi! 🚀❤️🦍

⁃ The FEG Token Administration Team
season_sir 2021-5-13 18:57:11 買隻幣都辱華
fightching 2021-5-13 18:58:22 屌你老味 開動物園啊宜家
小hihi 2021-5-13 18:58:59 個名已經說明一切

Happy伯(伸脷) 2021-5-13 19:00:55 支那平台真係信唔過
睇錶師(新手) 2021-5-13 19:05:19 STRONG HOLD!!!!
活在當下享受生活 2021-5-13 19:06:35 笑死
活在當下享受生活 2021-5-13 19:07:18 變咗做動物台
錢照收 2021-5-13 19:18:34



Bitcoin買雲吞麵 2021-5-13 19:22:44 此回覆已被刪除
錢照收 2021-5-13 19:23:02 MXC 轉
錢照收 2021-5-13 19:24:02

用FEG Token BEP20果個就得?
羅素頭號車迷 2021-5-13 19:24:07 咁快已經升返
呠你呀麼 2021-5-13 19:30:01 回返216
好勁 呢隻有料
哆哆 2021-5-13 19:31:07 用咩APP睇FEG Price?
羅素頭號車迷 2021-5-13 19:31:19 fegtrack
呠你呀麼 2021-5-13 19:31:47 岩岩樓上放link

Bitcoin買雲吞麵 2021-5-13 19:31:53 此回覆已被刪除
人人可得到 2021-5-13 19:33:51 Gate io 點轉 手續費貴到轉唔到


呠你呀麼 2021-5-13 19:35:17 我決定唔轉住
Happy伯(伸脷) 2021-5-13 19:35:36 gate io 唔夠數唔俾轉出黎可以點做
羅素頭號車迷 2021-5-13 19:37:14 屌俾個tg group ban撚左
Bitcoin買雲吞麵 2021-5-13 19:38:12 此回覆已被刪除