FiveAsa 2021-5-12 19:06:37 我地本來就係大英治下出世既子民


風中的假髮 2021-5-12 19:06:54 我兩年前補document都係send email, 夜晚就覆,好有效率
深田恭子 2021-5-12 19:07:13 事頭婆
急凍牛丸 2021-5-12 19:08:09 BC近了
Bossa-Nova 2021-5-12 19:08:22 此回覆已被刪除
JonTargaryen 2021-5-12 19:08:38 英國係咪全球稅
佢肯出BNO 立即轉正
杜門膠信 2021-5-12 19:08:47 此回覆已被刪除
香城加油! 2021-5-12 19:08:51
陸島篠野 2021-5-12 19:08:58 留名跟進
我偶像山本一夫 2021-5-12 19:10:59 此回覆已被刪除
騙人的吧 2021-5-12 19:11:29 此回覆已被刪除


中山大笨象 2021-5-12 19:12:02 應該係講國籍法BOTC唔可以母傳子之類,應該唔關BNO事。
The reforms we will make to British Nationality law will finally address historical anomalies, which will impact hundreds of people annually, including:

Introducing new registration provisions for children of British Overseas Territories Citizen (BOTC) to acquire citizenship more easily;

Fixing the injustice which prevents a child from acquiring their father’s citizenship if their mother was married to someone else;

Introducing a new discretionary adult registration route to give the Home Secretary an ability to grant citizenship in compelling and exceptional circumstances where there has been historical unfairness beyond a person’s control;

Creating further flexibility to waive residence requirements for naturalisation in exceptional cases. This will mean Windrush victims are not prevented from qualifying for British Citizenship because they were not able to return to the UK to meet the residence requirements through no fault of their own.
林鄭正正子 2021-5-12 19:12:30

洗鬼唔開心咩 2021-5-12 19:12:48 97前香港出世但冇申請bno

孤獨的哭 2021-5-12 19:13:39 唔係 擺明特登
神戶豆 2021-5-12 19:14:51
入油推車 2021-5-12 19:14:58 此回覆已被刪除
Fujiwara_Hiroshi 2021-5-12 19:14:59 依段可能係講緊BNO

Introducing a new discretionary adult registration route to give the Home Secretary an ability to grant citizenship in compelling and exceptional circumstances where there has been historical unfairness beyond a person’s control;
杜門膠信 2021-5-12 19:15:10 此回覆已被刪除
西部狙擊手 2021-5-12 19:15:29 全世界有邊本護照係冇簽發國嘅居留權
我爺爺好錫我 2021-5-12 19:16:36 可能佢地覺得香港形勢真係好緊急


連尼往 2021-5-12 19:17:11 non resident 唔洗交
十八歲破石柱 2021-5-12 19:17:20 此回覆已被刪除
我爺爺好錫我 2021-5-12 19:17:31 廣東落嚟應該冇bno?
死線戰士 2021-5-12 19:17:48 BNO 即轉BC應該冇可能啦