膠‧毀滅戰士 2021-5-12 00:40:11 https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3133113/top-officer-hong-kong-police-national-security-unit



Hyde666 2021-5-12 00:40:44 此回覆已被刪除
漆少陣好嗎 2021-5-12 00:41:08 再見南華早報記者
穆索爾斯基 2021-5-12 00:41:40 咁快得罪老共要被嫖娼?
八鄕分區屎忽官 2021-5-12 00:41:53
膠‧毀滅戰士 2021-5-12 00:42:15 我鍾意你個思路
通輯大富豪 2021-5-12 00:42:43 此回覆已被刪除
dill 2021-5-12 00:43:08 邪骨啫,大驚小怪
新冠人民共和國 2021-5-12 00:43:17 此回覆已被刪除
新力勁 2021-5-12 00:43:51 如獲至寶了
巨人一號 2021-5-12 00:44:20


碧水劍 2021-5-12 00:44:23 國安法之黑暴内戰
特斯拉狂牛 2021-5-12 00:44:25 咁爆
你講撚夠未? 2021-5-12 00:44:46 個記者RAP
膠‧毀滅戰士 2021-5-12 00:44:49 “Although visiting or buying service at an unlicensed massage parlour might not constitute an offence that could result in an arrest, Choi could face a disciplinary hearing as his conduct affects the force’s image and damages its reputation,” the source said. “Officers are still investigating the case.”

Bossa-Nova 2021-5-12 00:46:15 此回覆已被刪除
唔好得罪我 2021-5-12 00:46:52 中共想推第二個上
Thinking 2021-5-12 00:46:52
穆索爾斯基 2021-5-12 00:47:44 睇個樣都知係肥頭耷耳死淫蟲
不入票站杯葛選舉 2021-5-12 00:47:49 此回覆已被刪除
咖啡奶茶或我 2021-5-12 00:48:22 搵返個公安坐


禾稈冚禾稈 2021-5-12 00:49:05 支那式叫雞?得罪支聯辦?党安阿一都收皮,咁咪人人自危
Bossa-Nova 2021-5-12 00:49:15 此回覆已被刪除
Casemiro14 2021-5-12 00:50:01 已成condom
『屎』路比 2021-5-12 00:50:06 此回覆已被刪除