指上談兵 2021-5-22 08:41:25 此回覆已被刪除


五毛俠 2021-5-22 08:52:05 此回覆已被刪除
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-5-22 12:43:07
指上談兵 2021-5-22 14:15:29 此回覆已被刪除
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-5-22 14:24:01
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-5-22 14:26:43
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二頭gay 2021-5-22 23:24:58

Hello, my name is Marta - happy to help! the Hong Kong regulations only stipulate the type of test, i.e. LAMP is acceptable, so we suppose any, generic sounds less specific. If you're testing at the airport, they'll be happy to assist. Collinson Group is recommended by us and I'm sure they offer guidance.

When you said less specific, is it a good thing or bad thing??

I suppose good
The lamp test is acceptable so really both of them fall into the category.
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-5-22 23:43:12 咁你揀Japan定Generic?


二頭gay 2021-5-23 06:25:49 揀咗generic,cathay話兩個都得
肉醬意粉絲 2021-5-23 09:31:13 第4輪酒店一出 啲酒店已經爆撚到仆街
熱氣小朋友 2021-5-23 09:35:23
布朗尼龐 2021-5-23 20:52:34 下個禮拜會喺Heathrow搭BA返香港,請問Collinson比嘅CQC cert可唔可以上機?
因為收到BA email話只接受ISO15189 或 UKAS
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-5-23 23:29:02 can
恤衫頭巾老虎仔 2021-5-24 00:09:12 前排睇youtube見到南區間如心酒店好似唔錯,我第四輪出既第一日睇已經爆到仆街
布朗尼龐 2021-5-24 01:07:01 Thanks!!
恤衫頭巾老虎仔 2021-5-24 10:26:40 我想問你地book嗰啲隔離酒店有無得改日期?
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-5-24 13:03:55
恤衫頭巾老虎仔 2021-5-24 18:05:50


franklucas 2021-5-24 22:49:24 有冇巴LHR T2 Collinson做左lamp test

想問下份report會唔會包iso15189證書或accreditation document?

唔知wa左未 2021-5-25 02:59:26 感謝!係book個陣填?
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-5-25 08:07:30
我雖勢弱言輕 2021-5-25 08:07:48 要問