[月經] iOS集中討論區 (177) 14.5 Facebook食屎
木本花音 2021-5-17 22:38:06 藍芽係咪冇分別


木本花音 2021-5-17 22:38:49 唔啱size
不夠劇情延續故事 2021-5-17 22:39:30 我估應該係歌手個名個語言唔統一
Stella_Artois 2021-5-17 23:16:17 iPhone藍芽只係支援acc 256kbps

想無線聽hi res 準備課金新ip 同AirPods
失蹤Jer 2021-5-17 23:41:18 AirTags Work as an NFC Trigger for Apple Shortcuts

而家先知 iPhone 都可以好似 Android 咁拍一拍NFC trigger action

以前買落啲 Xperia tag 又可以翻生
邊方明 2021-5-17 23:46:38 一早可以, 好似仲早過八達通Apple Pay 1, 2年
我用NFC tags + Shortcuts automation trigger Toggl app actions
明年見 2021-5-18 00:09:03 咁AirPods Max咪好伏
死線戰士 2021-5-18 00:14:20 佢搞好Windows UI想轉
呻吟待射 2021-5-18 00:17:51 Bluetooth 係聽唔到 lossless 的, 要用 convertor + wire earphone / headphone

Are you listening via Bluetooth?

Bluetooth doesn’t have enough bandwidth for true lossless audio. Apple appears to be fudging this issue somewhat, but when it comes to the full quality – what Apple calls Hi-Resolution Lossless – then the company acknowledges that it’s impossible.

Indeed, Apple specifically says that you can’t listen to Hi-Resolution Lossless (24 bit at 192kHz) on Apple products at all without an external DAC connected to wired headphones. The best Apple devices can achieve natively is 48kHz.
孽債 2021-5-18 00:21:46 咁姐係無用啦
GuyBerryman 2021-5-18 00:32:34 點解要加黑白啡落去

明明Pride 淨係彩虹色


好撚勁 2021-5-18 00:35:10 當初cut咗個3.5mm推無線又唔support埋 aptx,依家推無損又要人用有線dac先得
好想食炸雞 2021-5-18 00:36:40 之前一直用Spotify 係貪佢可以入自己D 歌入去

apple,music 有冇得入自己歌?
呻吟待射 2021-5-18 00:36:58 我覺得之後出到 iPhone xxx 同 AirPods xxx 就會 support true lossless
雷蛇苦主4次溶斷 2021-5-18 00:44:10 此回覆已被刪除
科必泰 2021-5-18 00:50:37 因為nigga
GuyBerryman 2021-5-18 00:51:21 屌班Nigga BLM咪有條黑綠黑紅專比佢地架囉
北風和太陽 2021-5-18 00:53:31 即係 Homepod 都冇用
GuyBerryman 2021-5-18 00:54:54

Reddit 之前整個條仲靚啲

Pride 加黑白啡做乜鳩真係
CHOK人 2021-5-18 01:04:50 我屌
CHOK人 2021-5-18 01:06:03 好彩有dac



CHOK人 2021-5-18 01:07:06 明明macbook有得開aptx
関係以外立入禁止 2021-5-18 01:08:13
呻吟待射 2021-5-18 01:11:11 14.6 RC
日月星街 2021-5-18 01:12:02 有14.6 RC