純白鎮廢木博士 2021-5-9 09:49:34 點解an機用一年 部機就會lag到仆街 成撚日輕機


段天德 2021-5-9 09:52:00 an機自動P圖相機緊係靚啦
調景你 2021-5-9 10:11:57 冇話咩fan 邊一邊好用就用邊一邊
電話: an機
Tablet: ipad pro
labtop: macbook air
Destop: 自砌windows機
毒與天地精神往來 2021-5-9 11:12:56 屌米?我部s10用左兩年宜家都無咩問題,係舊電廢左啲
教你做特首 2021-5-9 11:14:36 Samsung tab s6,唔打機嘅人永遠覺得an機係快
毳梨裘絲 2021-5-9 11:21:13 power button + fingerprint咪得

明明ipad air都有整
呻吟待射 2021-5-9 11:40:21 咪講咗喺 Apple 角度, Face ID 係高階過普通 Touch ID, 唔到死人冧樓都唔會退步用返有粒制嘅 Touch ID 啦

唔係話旗艦 iPhone 唔會有返 Touch ID, 而係一定唔會係有粒制嘅 Touch ID, 所以只有 mon 底 Touch ID 呢個可能性
呻吟待射 2021-5-9 11:44:22 再者, 你諗吓點解 iPad Air 有 Sleep / Wake Botton Touch ID, 但 iPad Pro 冇?
Ramza 2021-5-9 12:24:40 武漢肺炎期間冇指紋解鎖


While in-display fingerprint sensors were one of 2019's hottest smartphone trends, the level of real-world convenience they offer simply can't compete with the hands-free appeal of solutions like Face ID.

While they still lag behind the high level of protection offered by fingerprint sensors, Face ID still has the edge in speed and convenience.


Several leaks hinted that Apple had tested prototypes with 120Hz displays, but ultimately choose not to enable the feature to save battery life.

The iPhone doesn’t need 120Hz displays as badly as Android does, and it’s the kind of feature that most people will not care about when deciding to upgrade to the iPhone 12 this week.

I’d rather buy a 60Hz phone powered by the best possible processor, rather than compromise on key specs to get a 90Hz or 120Hz display. 

hhhfff 2021-5-9 12:43:40 用an機多數係老闆 有錢人 知識型人
tactacc 2021-5-9 13:57:53 點lag 法?


https 2021-5-9 14:32:10 因為好彩你唔係做marketing
芝士近薯蓉 2021-5-9 14:33:32 唔覺iPhone 影相特別靚
秋元真夏 2021-5-9 15:55:31 平行時空?
星野加奈 2021-5-9 16:19:44 無錯 iphone d感光好怪
拎過朋友部iphone pro相電腦睇唔覺得係咩特別相機影
生抽黃秋生 2021-5-9 17:02:23 係你地俾人困住咁耐都唔知姐
泰利傻瓜 2021-5-9 17:18:23 開app會lag 特別係signal 佢個signal delete再down過都lag
不過肯定唔關signal事 因為其他app有時都係咁
北極三文魚 2021-5-9 17:29:43 此回覆已被刪除
泰利傻瓜 2021-5-9 17:35:14 但班人死都唔信
北極三文魚 2021-5-9 17:40:11 此回覆已被刪除
肯尼吉 2021-5-9 17:42:43



毛利小雪 2021-5-9 17:58:11 an tab廢是常識吧
芝士近薯蓉 2021-5-9 18:15:32 android tab 真係
打機的話 睇你用乜比較 如果用for 打機嘅android 只要玩半個鐘 就高下立見

不過因為iOS 限制多 所以畀錢銀行嘢我會用佢
我高傲但宅心仁厚 2021-5-9 18:17:56 作為aapl 股東
碧水劍 2021-5-9 18:20:02 影相就大把機好過閪瘋 不過指片黎講就真係一線